Versa is a direct marketing firm who specializes in lead generation programs using various methods to promote various offers (i.e., post cards, direct mail, social media ads, etc..). Customers generally respond to these offers by calling in to call centers managed by Versa. The call center designated by Versa will respond to the inbound call and place the customer in an IVR flow. The IVR delivers the script created and supplied by Cinch Home Services. This is a “pitch” of the Home Helper product. Once a customer provides an affirmative response to the product offer, an Agent will capture the necessary customer information and input the data into a Cinch provided website (Agent Intake Page).
Versa will employ 3 different groups to pitch and close sales. There are only 2 products being offered. Both product offers are Home Helper. Please see below for the difference between the 2 Home Helper products.
Enrollments processed within the Agent Intake pages deliver to TIMX SCM in ‘real time’. Each product becomes Active on Day 1. As a result, you may receive an inquiry call the same day a customer enrolls as their contracts are active and available for use. For any calls received during the enrollment period (defined as the first 30 days from the purchase date), please reach out to your Supervisor or Manager for assistance if you have questions.
Client Name / CCMID: VERSA / V99017
Segment: Call Center Agents (IB/OB)
Industry Code: MKTCO (Marketing Company)
Launch Date: 10/18/2019
Campaign Code: VERTM1019
Method: Call Center / Agent Intake Page
Product Offering

Customers can only be enrolled in one Home Helper product.
- Home Helper Inside Electric w/Surge - $1.95 Trial Fee ($1,000/$500/$0 DED) (w/$25 Reward Card) - $14.95 price point attaches for billing at month 2.
- This will be offered by Group #1

- Home Helper Inside Electric w/Surge - $14.95 ($1,000/$500/$0 DED) (w/$25 Reward Card) -$14.95 price point attaches for billing at month 1.
- This will be offered by Group #2 & Group #3

Intake Pages / Portal:

Versa agents are not licensed to sell any products to Florida residents.