Update Customer Contact Information

Update Customer Contact Information

Customer contact information resides in TIMX SCM and is uploaded to both ServiceBench and Zoho Desk.
It may take up to 24 hours before ServiceBench or Zoho Desk to reflect changes made in TIMX SCM.
Phone number changes in TIMX do not update in Service Requests created prior to the change. Mobile phone number changes will also need to be updated in the Service Order of any pending/open Service Jobs. This step is necessary to ensure the customer will receive updates on the job, including appointment dates, changes, cancellations, and reassignments.

Zoho and ServiceBench Process

You may update contact information during initiation or after the Service Order and Job have been created. 
  1. In the Zoho service request tab, update the contact information needed and click Save All.

  2. In the ServiceBench Service Order, enter the updated contact information needed and click Save.

TIMX Process

Open Customer Record in TIMX

  1. Log into TIMX SCM.
  2. Click Enrollment, then select HS Search Panel.

  3. Search for the contract first using the Property Address. If no results, search by Contract Number, Phone Number, or Customers First and Last Name.
    1. If you search by the Contract ID, remember to leave off the Renewal Count (the .x at the end of the contract number).
  4. Enter the Search Criteria, then select Search in the menu.
    1. You can also click the Search icon in the toolbar or select the ALL radio button next to the HS Status line below the search criteria fields.
  5. Double click the account that you want to select to open the contract.

Update Contact Information

To update phone number(s) or email:
  1. Click  Menu Options, then select Customer Maintenance.

  2. Update the necessary information, then click Save.

    Reminder: If the email was blank and the customer does not wish to add one to the account, then update the email address to noemail@cinchhs.com.
To update the mailing address:
  1. Click Mail in the middle of the Enrollment Screen.

  2. Edit the mailing address, then click Close.

  3. Click Save at the top of the main screen. Select Yes to Save, then select No to stay in the account.

Enter Comments

Enter notes in the Communication History Log.

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