System Outage Customer Handling

System Outage Customer Handling

Once an outage is identified, a member of the Cinch Team will advise Customer Service to follow the procedures outlined below in order to provide guidance on how to properly assist customers and what information to provide along with next steps.


Limited/No access to systems or information
  1. Customer Service Agents should ask probing questions to understand why the customer is calling and if the help they need is currently able to be processed. 
  2. If the customers need is something that cannot be done at the current moment, submit a request via the System Outage form.
  3. Once all system functionality has been restored, customers still requiring assistance will receive a call back.


Call Opening

“<Customer Name>, our systems are currently under maintenance and we are unable to access your account at this time to properly assist you. At this time, I can collect your information and ensure we give you a call back once our systems are restored.”

Call Closing

“<Customer Name>, thank you for providing this information. I have entered the request for you to receive a call back once our systems have been fully restored. We apologize for any inconvenience and appreciate your patience in allowing us time to reach back out to you. Was there anything else I could help you with at this time?”

Outage Callback

Once we have recovered from a system outage, it is imperative that we contact customers back as quickly as possible to  provide assistance. Our goal is to contact the customer within 8 hours of the system being restored.
  1. Outage Callback Requests will come to a shared email inbox and from there be distributed to be worked.
  2. Once the workload has been provided, agents should review the outage email to understand what the customer was calling for and immediately reach out with the phone number provided in the email.


Customer Answers

“<Customer Name>, this is <Agent Name> calling you from your <Warranty Brand> Home Warranty. I do need to advise that this call is recorded and may be monitored, is it ok to continue? I apologize that we weren’t able to assist you when you called earlier but I am returning your call to assist you with <Call Reason>.

Provide the needed assistance.

Call Logging:

  1. Log the call as an outbound call
  1. Choose the corresponding category and sub-category
  1. Enter “System Outage Return Call – Answered” as the subject

Customer Doesn’t Answer

Voicemail Left

“<Customer Name>, this is <Agent Name> calling from your <Warranty Brand> Home Warranty. I am calling you in reference to a call you made to us regarding your <Item> and wanted to provide assistance. If you could please call me back at 1-800-778-8000, select option #3, and then enter my extension <Extension Number>, I’d be more than happy to assist you. Thank you and have a great day.”

Call Logging:

  1. Log the call as an outbound call
  1. Choose the corresponding category and sub-category
  1. Enter “System Outage Return Call – Left Voicemail” as the subject

Customer Doesn’t Answer

No Voicemail

In the event the customer does not have a voicemail set up or you are not able to leave a voicemail, another attempt must be made within 2 hours. If the customer still does not answer, submit a T2RU Letter within the Mail Correspondence Form.

Call Logging:

  1. Log the call as an outbound call
  1. Choose the corresponding category and sub-category
  1. Enter “System Outage Return Call – No Voicemail” as the subject

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