Status |
Description |
Required Note Entry |
Completed (Active) |
Contract is active and eligible for service. |
No |
Cancellation Scheduled (Active) |
P3V2 Contract is Active until the end of the current billing cycle and is eligible for service. |
No |
Pending (Inactive) |
Contract is within the dormancy period and not yet active. Entitlement will fail and unable to process the Service Job. If the contract start date is today or after and the contract is still in Pending status, the contract will entitle normally. |
Yes |
Cancelled (Cancelled) |
Contract is cancelled. Entitlement will fail and unable to process the Service Job. |
Yes |
Cancelled (Expired) |
Contract is expired. Entitlement will fail and unable to process the Service Job. |
Yes |
Dunning (Pending Cancellation) |
Contract payments are past due and pending cancellation. Entitlement will fail and unable to process the Service Job. |
Yes |
Status |
Description |
Required Note Entry |
New |
Service Job created and assigned to a Service Professional, but the Service Professional has not yet accepted or rejected. If the Service Professional does not accept or reject it, it will be moved to expired status. Trigger: System Generated |
No |
Accepted |
The Service Professional has indicated they will perform the Service Job assigned to them. Trigger: System Generated |
No |
Expired |
The Service Professional has not accepted or rejected the Service Job. Normally expire 24 hours after created or 24 hours prior to the scheduled service date and time. Service Jobs that have expired required follow up to ensure that the customer is serviced. Should be rescheduled or reassigned.
Yes |
Cancelled |
Service Jobs cancelled by Cinch when the service is no longer required. Service Jobs cannot by Service Professionals. Trigger: Cinch |
Yes |
Completed |
Service Job was accepted, and work was completed. The Complete button should only be manually selected after:
A Service Job must be manually updated by an agent to Completed status in order for a submitted claim to be processed for payment. Once in Completed status, the following applies to the Service Job:
Trigger: Service Professional or Cinch |
No |
Rejected |
The Service Professional can reject Service Jobs. When a Service Job is rejected, it is a notification that the Service Professional is not able or willing to perform the Service Job. Cinch must take action to ensure the Service Job is not abandoned. We will try to contact the Service Professional to accept the Service Job or reassign. Trigger: Service Professional |
Yes |
Reassigned |
An original Service Job that was reassigned to a new Service Professional. It serves as notice to the original Service Professional that the job is cancelled. Reassigned Service Jobs are considered finalized. Trigger: Cinch |
Yes |
Status |
Description |
Action |
Awaiting Diagnosis |
Only to be used for APO assigned jobs. |
Updated by department assigning job to APO. |
Claim Credit Accepted |
Buyout approved. Support Services will submit the payment for the customer.
Only for appliances when the customer has a credit available. The customer will choose if they want the claim credit option or repair/replacement. |
CSA: CSA Script: The agent will then need to go into the claim to see the status and verify that the job is complete. Authorizer: |
Customer Accepted Repair/Replace |
Customer responds and accepts the repair/replacement option. Manually set by a CSA. |
CSA: CSA Script: Authorizer: |
Confirmed Appointment |
Initial appointment has been scheduled and the date has
been updated in SB. | CSA: Authorizer: |
Job Complete |
SP has completed the Service Job. |
CSA Script: Authorizer: |
Job Not Covered |
SP calls in and they are not sure the equipment is covered. Manually set by an Authorizer. If the job is not covered, we will call the customer if it is a Medical Emergency or email them if it is a Standard job. |
CSA Script: Authorizer: |
Job Pre-Authorized |
Claim authorization submitted. When the authorizer provides the pre-authorization, and the SP has not completed the work. Only for jobs over $300. |
CSA Script: Authorizer: |
Parts-Parts Requested |
SP submits the Service Report and requests the parts from Cinch. |
CSA: |
Parts-Parts Received |
Distributor confirms the requested part has been received by the SP. Manually updated by the SP once they receive the parts. |
CSA Script: If SP has the part, perform a 3-way conference with the SP and customer to schedule a date for installation. |
Parts-Parts Ordered |
Indicates parts have been ordered. |
CSA: |
Parts-Parts Shipped |
Indicates confirmation that parts have been shipped. |
CSA: |
Pending Replacement Decision |
Customer receives an email with options. Waiting on customer decision. Only for appliances when the customer has a credit available. |
CSA Script: Advise of options based on the Claim Decision note. Authorizer: |
Pending Service Report |
SP has been to the home, and we are waiting on the Service Report. |
Used when a customer states the SP has been to the home and we do not have a service report or when we are waiting on additional report information from the SP. CSA Script: |
Reschedule Needed |
New appointment needs to be set up. |
CSA: Also used when the SP calls in and advises they went to the customer’s home, but no one was there, and you have attempted a 3-way call with the customer to reschedule and it goes to voicemail. Do not use this sub-status until after the attempt to reach either party has been made. CSA Script: Authorizer: |
In Home – Assigned to Technician |
Sears Status |
Sears |
Technician En Route |
Sears Status |
Sears |
Service Report Submitted |
When the Service Report has been submitted.
Agents should not be updating this for National Accounts (Sears, GE, Goodman, etc.) |
Sears CinchPro: Authorizations: |
Return Visit Scheduled |
Sears Status |
Sears |
Service Job Step |
Sub-Status |
Part Line Status |
Service Job appointment confirmed. |
Confirmed Appointment |
N/A |
Technician on the way to customer’s home. |
In Transit to Customer |
N/A |
Technician has arrived at the customer’s home. |
Technician Arrival |
N/A |
Technician has left the customer’s home. |
Technician Departure |
N/A |
Part research created |
Parts-Waiting for Parts |
Order Requested |
Working research |
Parts-Waiting for Parts |
Removed, Order Error, Not Found, Incomplete, Cancelled |
Pending Service Professional confirmation of parts and/or equipment. |
In Process |
In Process |
Pending customer accepting repair/replacement. |
Pending Replacement Decision |
Approved |
Claim Credit Accepted |
Claim Credit Accepted |
Approved |
Repair/Replacement Accepted |
Customer Accepted Repair/Replacement |
Ordered |
Job Complete |
Job Complete |
N/A |
Status |
Description |
Saved |
Claim information entered and saved but not yet submitted for payment. |
Rejected |
Claim request for approval was rejected by the system. |
Duplicate |
A claim already exists. |
Incomplete |
The claim was imported (Sears) but there is an error that needs to be corrected so it can be resubmitted. |
Corrected |
An incomplete claim has been resolved. |
Under Review |
Claim forwarded to Cinch for review to determine approval (course of action and approval amounts). |
Approved |
Claim request approved by the system or manually by Cinch. |
Transferred |
Once the claim is approved, the job status is Completed, and there are no open Claim Escalations the claim will transfer to Oracle for payment the same day it was approved. The status will change to Paid when the check is processed, and the information is pushed back to ServiceBench. |
Paid |
Check information has been processed. |
Historical |
All legacy claims from closed TIMX claim jobs. |