Cinch has partnered with SIBI, one of our 3rd party vendors, in an effort to make ordering appliance replacements a better experience for both Cinch Agents and our Customers. When ordering through SIBI, all order information and order updates will sync directly to ServiceBench. Customer Options will also be sent to the customer via email, including a link to the replacement where they can view and accept the unit or choose the buyout amount. Currently, only GE Appliances can be ordered using the SIBI platform.
Logging In
Use the details below to access and log into SIBI:
- SIBI Site: Sibi Next
- Username: Your Cinch Email Address
- Password: Provided in setup email
SIBI training is conducted in the LIVE environment. Please consult your trainer before opening or modifying an existing order.
Creating the Offer
Begin creating the Offer using the Service Job Number to pull up the customers information in SIBI.
- Select the Offers tab on the navigation bar located at the top of the screen.
- Select the Plus Sign beside the Search Bar to begin creating an offer for the customer.
- A new window will populate prompting you to enter in the Service Job Number.
- On the left-hand side of the screen, confirm the customers information matches the information provided in ServiceBench.
- Right click on the Store tab and open link in new tab.
- Use the attributes of the customers current unit to select a replacement.
- Use the Filters available on the left-hand side of the screen
- View all filtered options to locate the unit that most closely matches all required attributes
- Once a comparable unit has been found, copy the model number listed.
- Navigate back to the original Sibi tab and paste the model number in the Quick Search bar and select the unit.
- Verify the replacement option is In Stock.
- Select the required install and disconnect service codes.
- Select Confirm to submit offer.
- If the homeowner has a replacement deductible due, this will need to be collected before the offer can be submitted and sent.
- Once submitted, Sibi will return to the customers home page.
- The selected unit will populate under Offer Details
- Offer Status will now show as Pending
Set Up The Claim
Create and Approve the claim, then add a Customer Claim Credit to set up the options for the customer.
- Create a claim following the Appliance Replacement Claim Approval process.
- Leave the claim Under Review pending the decision from the customer.
Update The Service Job - Pending Order
Document the job and create the exception.
- Return to ServiceBench and refresh the Service Job page.
- Verify the Part Line updated correctly.
- Verify the Sub-Status is Pending Replacement Decision, if not update.
- Verify that the SIBI generated Research Complete note populated in the Comments.
- Document the job using the recommended note template and save as Private.
- Create a TSS-Customer Options exception, assign to yourself and mark as Complete.
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