Service Job Exceptions

Service Job Exceptions

Service Job Exceptions are created by a Cinch Agent when additional work is needed from another team or department. Each exception requires specific information to be entered upon creation. Be sure to review the Knowledge Article for the exception being created to verify correct information is being entered.

Creating an Exception

  1. On the Edit/View Service Job screen in ServiceBench, click the Exceptions tab.

  2. If the exception being created already exists and is not in a Complete status, DO NOT create a duplicate exception.
  3. Enter the Exception Details.
    1. Select the Exception Type from the drop-down
    2. Select the Exception Status from the drop-down
    3. In most cases, when creating a new exception, the status should be set to Open .
    4. Enter Comment
    5. Review the Knowledge Base Article for the specific exception being created for what comment should be entered.
    6. Click Save

  4. Exception will now be listed under Exception Details and show the following information, if applicable:
    1. Exception Type
    2. Created By
    3. Date Created
    4. Updated By
    5. Updated Date
    6. Status
    7. Follow Up Date/Time
    8. Assignee
    9. Follow Up Reason
    10. Comment

Exception Status Definitions

Exception Status



Entered with no action

In Progress

Action initiated, working toward resolution


Awaiting additional information

Follow Up

Action needs to be taken at a future date/time


Issue has been resolved

Zoho Activities - Tasks

Many exceptions reflect as Tasks in Zoho and are visible under the Activities Tab inside the Case. 
Examples include: Research, Escalation, CL-Autho, etc. 

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