Sears Service Pro and Status Updates

Sears Service Pro and Status Updates

Use the Sears Service Pro app to:
  1. Provide customers with current Service Request status
  2. Review Service Technicians comments
  3. Review Part Status to move the job forward, if needed
  4. Update customer on ETA for Part Status, if applicable, using the UPS tracking number
  5. Capture model and serial number of appliances being worked on
Under the Parts tab:
If the Description is Rsrch NlaPwr, this means the part is being researched internally by Sears and they will provide both the customer and Cinch updates as quickly as possible. 
When the Rsrch NlaPwr description is present:
  1. This Does Not mean No Longer Available - Do Not Advise the customer the part is No Longer Available until Cinch has completed internal research.
  2. The "Part number" listed is a dummy number used by Sears and is not a real part number.
  3. Ignore the Status of O-Ordered as the part is still in Sears research. 
  4. The "Order Date" is the date the part was sent to Sears research as the part has Not been ordered.

Logging in to Service Pro

Use the information below to access and log in to the Sears Service Pro app. All Cinch users will use the same ID and Password provided here.
  1. Site URL:   Service Pro
  2. User ID: chsgene
  3. Password: July24July24$

User Guide

Status Updates: Zoho and SB

With Sears system integration we will receive Job Sub-Status and Service Report updates to provide job life cycle information. 
Continue to utilize ServicePro for more detailed information. 

Job Sub-statuses:
  1. In Home - Assigned to Technician
  2. In Home - Tech En Route
  3. Service Report Submitted
  4. Return Visit Scheduled
  5. Job Complete
  6. Another SP Required
  7. Parts - Parts Requested
  8. Parts - Parts Ordered
  9. Parts - Parts Shipped

Service Report will reflect in the Service Explanation field and in the Comments on the Job.

Click HERE to view screenshots and MyAccount message updates.

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