Sears Dispute Sale Process

Sears Dispute Sale Process

Sears Dispute Sale Process

Our business partner, Sears, uses dispositions to help them understand their business and processes. Therefore, it is important to be as accurate as possible. In an effort to help our accuracy with Sears disputed sales calls and the subsequent dispositioning of the calls, the following tips and refreshers are listed below.

Sears investigates every disputed sale. They are treated in the most serious manner. all are investigated thoroughly and anyone involved in invalid sales activity will be subjected to disciplinary action up to and including termination of the enrolling agent.

Identifying a Disputed Call

Please keep in mind, often, the enrollment may not be a disputed sale but in fact buyer's remorse. In these instances, a gentle reminder and clarification of the enrollment process and/or warranty benefits can result in a retained sale. Only when the caller clearly indicates the below should we begin to view the enrollment as a potentially disputed sale. Do not assume this to be the case until after all steps have been taken.

Dispute Enrollment Authorization

When the caller clearly states any of the following, the call should be viewed as a potentially unauthorized sale.

They did not authorize the charge itself

They did not provide billing information for the enrollment

They declined the offer to enroll or advised the agent they no longer wanted to enroll in the warranty after the enrollment process began

Process to Handle Disputed Sales Calls - Authorizations

Assure the caller the matter is taken seriously and that the matter will be addressed today. Apologize to the caller.

"Mr./Mrs. ______, I am so sorry for this situation. Please rest assured that we will take care of this for you today."

Remember to remain in a neutral and positive state, and focused on the caller's needs

Proceed to begin the "fact finding" portion of the interaction. Advise the caller you are here to help them but need clarification on their concern.

Ask probing questions such as the following:

Dispute Reason

Probing Question


"Mr./Mrs. _____, did you provide billing information to the agent?"

"Mr./Mrs. _____, you mentioned that you advised the agent not to continue with the enrollment. Do you recall their name?"

After the caller responds to the probing questions, educate them on the cost, coverage or enrollment process as applicable. Explain the warranty's benefits and be sure to clarify any previously misunderstood information.

If the caller still disputes the enrollment, educate the caller on the enrollment process.

"Mr./Mrs. _____, our records show the transaction was completed using your <checking account or credit card ending in (the last 4 digits)>. This information would have been provided to the enrolling agent by the person making the purchase. do you recall providing your information during your conversation with the sales associate?"

·       If the above re-education does not result in the customer wishing to remain active, process the cancellation as requested using the appropriate cancel disposition below. It is imperative that the dispositions are used exclusively for disputed sales.
 All other cancellations must be dispositioned based on the reason for cancellation; outside clearly disputed sales.

Before you complete the cancellation using the Sears - Disputes Enrollment - Authorization disposition, we should reinforce our investigation will continue. You should continue with the following:

"An unauthorized sale is extremely concerning to us. We will work with the management staff to ensure appropriate action is taken, up to and including termination. Before I complete the paperwork on the associate, I want to confirm one last time that you, or anyone in your household, did NOT authorize this charge?"

If the caller confirms they did not authorize the enrollment, proceed with the cancellation using the disposition below:

Cancel Disposition


Sears - Disputes Enrollment - Authorization

Only use if the caller clearly states:

They did not authorize the charge itself

They did not provide billing information for the enrollment

They declined the offer to enroll or advised the agent they no longer wanted to enroll in the warranty after the enrollment process began


Remember you should only utilize the disposition if you have reviewed the scripting regarding the severity of results above.


Other Types of Disputed Sales

(Sears - Disputes Enrollment - Coverage / Sears - Disputes Enrollment - Pricing)

When the caller clearly states any of the following, the call should be viewed as a potentially disputed sale:

Caller advises the cost was understood to be $XX.XX

Caller advises the cost was to be annual rather than monthly

Caller advises the coverage was understood to include <non-covered item>

Process to Handle Disputed Sales Calls - Coverage & Pricing

Follow the same call flow  provided above

Utilize the below probing questions

Utilize the below disposition codes when the definition clearly applies. All other cancellations must be dispositioned based on the reason for cancellation; outside clearly disputed sales:

Dispute Reason

Probing Questions


"Mr./Mrs. _____, you mentioned you thought a particular item was covered on the warranty when it was explained to you at the time of enrollment. What did you understand to be covered?"


"Mr./Mrs. _____, you  mentioned the cost of the warranty was not what you understood at the time of enrollment. What did you understand the cost to be?"


Cancel Disposition


Sears - Disputes Enrollment - Coverage

Used only when a caller clearly states they understood <non-covered item> would be covered under the home warranty

Used only if a claim was denied on a covered item

Used only if additional quantities of covered items are denied claim coverage or additional quantities of covered items are not available to be included as part of optional coverage additions to the warranty

Sears - Disputes Enrollment - Pricing

Used only when the caller clearly states they were advised the pricing was different than the monthly amount charged

Used only when the caller advises they were told the cost would be annually vs. monthly.

This is NOT to be used when a caller wishes to cancel because of affordability issues or they feel the cost is too high for the coverage


TIMX Notations

Note the account clearly with the reason for the disputed sale.



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