S.O.S. Escalation - Potential Risk to Customer or Service Provider

S.O.S. Escalation - Potential Risk to Customer or Service Provider

This procedure is used when a Customer or Service Provider escalates an S.O.S. complaint that can pose a risk to their well-being or to Cinch.
Examples include but are not limited to:
  1. Police Contacted
  2. Verbal Threats
  3. Harassment
  4. Customer or Service Provider does not feel safe
  5. Threat/Initiation of a lawsuit related to potential abuse
If you are unsure if the situation should be escalated, see your immediate Supervisor to review. 
If there is an active situation where the caller feels unsafe, use the following scripting:
"If you feel you are in immediate danger, please hang up and call 911."

Customer Service Process

1. Reach out to a supervisor or Tier 1 and advise you have a S.O.S. escalation on the line.
2. Obtain approval to contact Tier 2 High Priority.
Use the correct Tier 2 High Priority extension in the BPO Call Transfer Procedure article. 
3. Advise Tier 2 you have an S.O.S. escalation on the line and conference in the caller.
4. Thoroughly document the interaction on the service job. 

Tier 2/Escalation Process

While on the call assisting with an S.O.S. escalation make a supervisor aware of the situation.
After handling the call, all pertinent information Must be emailed to your Supervisor, SP Area Manager, and copy Upper Management for awareness.
  1. For Sears, Whirlpool, and GE complaints also send email to: glampkin@cinchhs.com

  1. For all other service providers send to their Area Manager.
Use the following email template to escalate the S.O.S. complaint: 

Email Template


Supervisor(s) and SP Area Manager 


Ann Infusino, Sandy Camera, Barry Miles, Ron Donohoe, Rich Repich


SOS Escalation 

Body of Email:

Reported Date: 

Service Job Number: 

Customer Name: 

Customer Phone Number:     

Complaint: <Specifics on who/what/where/when>

Authorities Involved: Yes or No


Service Company Name:


Service Company Address:


Service Company Phone Number:

In the Service Job Comments, add a Private Note thoroughly documenting details of the reported situation.

Legal Review - Customer Contract Cancellation or SP Removal

In the event a customer or SP appears to be the cause of the SOS Escalation and we may need to cancel their warranty contract, OR remove the SP from our Network, Legal must review and approve prior to any Cinch initiated contract cancellation or SP removal. 

The following information is required and must be sent to Sloane Levy and Spensyr Krebsbach:

  1. Both sides of the incident must be obtained and documented - Customer and SP
  2. Review and document any call recordings
  3. Customer claim history
We must complete the service job for the customer even if they are at fault.
A Claim Credit is an appropriate resolution IF Legal approves to cancel their contract. 

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