ROD (Record on Demand)

ROD (Record on Demand)

Definitions and Requirements

ROD is a Windows system tray application that enables the user to record, pause, and/or stop recording their interactions directly from their workstation.

It is mandatory to initiate ROD & input business data when:

  • Capturing and/or updating credit/debit card numbers (including updates to the expiration date) and ACH bank account information (recurring and deductible payments).

    • Exception: The business data is NOT required for one-time DEDUCTIBLE payments.

  • Securing a save

  • Processing a renewal (Real Estate ONLY)

  • Processing an enrollment

  • Adding or Removing the Auto Renewal Feature (HMS ONLY)

  • Capturing Card Details for deductible payments (Customer Service ONLY)

ROD Procedures

  1. You must be logged into the NICE ROD application.

  2. Click the RED RECORD button.

  3. BEFORE capturing any CC/ACH information (recurring and deductible payments), click the PAUSE button to stop the recording.

  4. Once the billing or payment details are captured, click the GREEN PLAY button to resume the recording.

  5. Click the BUSINESS DATA icon (light blue folder with $ sign).

  6. The BUSINESS DATA WINDOW will open.

  7. In the CONTRACT NUMBER field, enter as seen in the table below:



    Contract Number Field



    E <Contract Number>

    E 12345678



    S <Contract Number>

    S 12345678

    Billing Update 


    B <Contract Number>

    B 12345678



    R <Contract Number>

    R 12345678



    AR <Contract Number>

    AR 12345678



    D <Contract Number> 

    D 12345678 

    Replacement Deductible 


    RD <Contract Number>

    RD 12345678

    Documenting Multiple Actions

    Enrollment with a Save on a SEPERATE contract 

    E S 

    E <Contract Number> S <Contract Number>

    E 12345678 S 23456789

    Renewal with a CC Billing Update on a SEPARATE contract 

    R B 

    R <Contract Number> B<Contract Number>

    R 12345678 B 23456789

    Save with a CC Billing Update on the SAME contract 

    S B 

    S <Contract Number> B<Contract Number>

    S12345678 B 23456789

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