Research Escalation: Creating Exception

Research Escalation: Creating Exception

The Research Escalation Exception is created when there is an escalated research request. Creating this exception notifies Parts Sourcing to review the request at a higher priority.
This exception is ONLY to be created by Escalations, Authorization Specialists, Authorization Supervisors , and Support Services .
  1. Create the exception in Open status.
  2. Enter the appropriate Comment exactly as shown below in the Exception Comment.


    Exception Comment

    Incorrect parts/equipment ordered

    Incorrect Research

    Customer has a VALID replacement dispute

    Replacement Dispute

    Parts were never sent to research

    Research Needed

    High Priority Escalation

    Priority Research

    Exception was created in error


  3. Enter the required information with a brief description of the reason in the Service Job Comments using the below Note Template :
      Replacement Dispute-Customer has a French Door Refrigerator, Side by side was researched


Exception Comment

Create the Exception

Do Not Create the Exception

Incorrect Research

Incorrect parts or equipment were ordered.

Verify correct parts and update job.

Parts or replacement not ordered.

Tracking parts.

Replacement Dispute

Customer has a valid replacement dispute.

Verify the replacement offered against the Appliance Feature Matching Guide.

Customer does not have a valid replacement dispute.

If replacement matches what we are required to match, DO NOT create exception.

Research Needed

Research Request was not created correctly or completed prematurely.

Check Zoho for Open Research Request Task

Research is active and within 48 hours.

Priority Research

Research is active, but not completed within 48 hours AND is a Medical Emergency, customer threatening BBB/Social Media, ongoing leak, or Service Order over 30 days.

Research is active, but not completed within 48 hour AND NOT a Medical Emergency, customer threatening BBB/Social Media, ongoing leak, or Service Order over 30 days.

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