Reschedule A Service Request

Reschedule A Service Request

This procedure is used when we need to facilitate rescheduling a service appointment for a Customer.

Zoho Process

Rescheduling a Service Request in Zoho is generally just for Sears or GE jobs. If customer need to reschedule a Non-Sears or GE job, the Customer Service Agent can call the Service Professional to see if they have availability. Barring availability or inability to contact, the CSR may choose to reassign the Service Request to another Service Professional.

Reschedule for Sears/GE:

  1. Select an appropriate reason from the Reschedule Reason drop-down list.
  2. Click Reschedule to open the Calendar screen.
  3. Select the customer’s requested date from the calendar.
  4. Click Next, then OK to return to the Service Request page. This page will be updated with the newly selected Service Date.
  5. Enter a Private comment in the Comment field.
  6. Click Save, then OK.

Reschedule for Third-Party SP:

  1. Advise the customer that you will place them on a brief hold to contact the Service Professional directly.
  2. Place customer on hold.
  3. Call the assigned Service Professional.
    1. If Service Professional answers, explain the customer needs to reschedule the service appointment and ask if they can accommodate the request:
      1. If YES: connect the customer to the call and wait for the Service Professional to schedule a new date.
      2. If NO: inform the customer to reach out directly to the Service Professional to reschedule.

ServiceBench Process

  1. Open the Customer Record.
  2. Click the Reschedule button on the Edit/View Service Job screen.
    1. If the Service Professional has schedule availability, it will be displayed in the calendar.
    2. If the Service Professional does not have schedule availability, the reschedule functionality cannot be used. Instead, call the Service Professional to determine a new date and time for the appointment. The new appointment date and time must be entered in the Comments.
  3. Click on the desired time slot to select it.
  4. The Select Time popup display to confirm selection. Click OK.
  5. The General Information section of the Edit/View Service Job screen will display the updated information.
  6. Click Submit.
    1. In the Reschedule Reason box, enter notes describing the reason for the reschedule, then click Submit.
    2. The reschedule reason is saved in the Reschedule Reason field in the Service Instructions section.
  7. Enter additional notes in the Comments as needed.
  8. Click Save.

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