Replacement Recommendations: Service Professional Process

Replacement Recommendations: Service Professional Process

Below is the process that should be followed when the Service Professional calls in recommending a replacement.

  1. Enter the service technician's findings/diagnosis and attributes into the Service Job in the Service Explanation field.
  2. Authorizers are expected to request pictures from the Service Professional and also to educate them about this expectation. 
    1. This will support the findings/diagnosis entered to the Service Job and provide insight regarding where the warranty may not cover the cause of failure.
      Examples: rust and corrosion, leaking, improper installation, etc.
If the service technician is recommending replacement via ServiceBench, they must:
  1. Set the Claim Estimate Required field to Yes.
  2. Enter a service job escalation with the details of their recommendation, along with any justification (age, condition, etc.).
  3. A notification will be generated to Cinch.


The following script provides exact verbiage to use when speaking to a Service Professional in the scenario of replacements. The Authorizer will use the script once all Service Job information and pricing has been obtained and prior to reviewing the replacement with a Supervisor or Manager.

"I see you are recommending a replacement. Cinch is now requesting a picture of the unit, the data plate, and the failed component, when you recommend a replacement. Have you added pictures to the job?"
  1. If YES: "Great! Thank you!"
    1. Agent will then follow the review process to proceed.
  2. If NO: "Have you taken a picture of the job?"
    1. If YES: "You can go to for instructions on how to add pictures." 
    2. If NO: "That’s okay."
  3. "Next time you can add pictures of the unit , data plate , and failed component to the job before calling in, to speed up the review. It’s our goal to simplify the way we interact with you and to expedite these reviews. Providing pictures will give us the ability to see what you see and allow for faster decision making."

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