Replacement Deductible Collection

Replacement Deductible Collection

Cinch P3 contracts may require a Replacement Deductible for specific items being replaced rather than repaired.
Click the link to view the list of units and systems that require a replacement deductible: Replacement Deductible - Units and Systems

When the Service Type field in SB is updated to Replacement, this begins the Replacement Deductible process:
  1. An Email and Text is automatically sent to the customer.
  2. The Entitlement section on the job in SB should show a Replacement Deductible line if that warranty and item require one.
  3. The Replacement Deductible button will populate in Zoho. (This button will populate on contracts Not requiring this as well, always click the button and review the amount owed prior to relaying information to the customer.)
  4. If Cinch is supplying the replacement the deductible must be collected to move forward with the replacement order or options.
  5. If the SP is supplying, SP will collect will be selected in Zoho, information notated on the service job, and the SP will collect from the customer at the time of install.

Zoho - Replacement Deductible Collection

1. Click the Replacement Deductible Button. 

2. Advise the customer of the Remaining Amount Owed and click Collect Payment.

3. Select Pay with Card and click Submit.

4. Utilize the Deductible Payments: Secure Card Capture process to collect the payment as normal.
5. Advise the customer they will receive further replacement order details by email, text, and/or MyAccount. 

TIMX SCM Replacement Deductible Info

Replacement deductible information is located in TIMX SCM on the customer's Enrollment Form.
The Ddct Amt listed is the initial deductible owed when service is requested.
The Rpl Ddct Amt is the Total deductible owed (including the initial deductible) if a replacement decision is made.
In the example below:

If the customer paid their initial deductible of $150, and a replacement decision is made,
Then they owe $100 to meet their total Replacement deductible amount of $250.
Do not advise the customer that their replacement deductible is the amount showing in the Rpl Ddct Amt field.
The actual amount owed at the time of replacement is the Rpl Ddct Amt Minus the Ddct Amt.
  If the Rpl Ddct Amt field has an amount showing, Then this means the customer's warranty requires a Replacement Deductible.


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