Repair vs. Replacement: First Attempt

Repair vs. Replacement: First Attempt

An agents first direction should be to attempt a cost-effective repair rather than jumping straight to a replacement of the equipment/product. Customers respond positively when a Service Request results in a repair that was completed and have a higher NPS score for the Service Request with repairs when they are completed faster and are less complicated.

We should always review the history of the product/item before making a decision.
  1. How long has the contract been effective? What was the Effective Date?
  2. Have there been previous job dispatched for that item under this or any other prior contract term?
  3. Has there been a repair attempted?
    1. Was it successful or unsuccessful?
If there has been no prior repair attempt, a repair should be attempted on the product/item with no previous service job history, depending on pricing, before a replacement decision is made.
  1. Is the Service Professional recommending replacement instead of repair?
    1. Ask if a repair can be successfully attempted?
      1. If YES: Encourage the technician to do so.
      2. If NO: Capture the reason why the technician recommends against it.
  2. Remember to capture the failed parts and the Service Professional’s pricing for the parts in the Service Job Comments if moving forward with the replacement.
  3. It is also our duty to question the Service Professional’s reason for their replacement recommendation and document the feedback/justification in the Service Job.
The following failures are the few exceptions which would typically go straight to a replacement decision rather than any attempted repair.



Standard Water Heater

Tank leaking

Ceiling Fan

Cash out (up to $75-$100 standard ceiling fan + $75 install)

Garbage Disposal

Unit leaking, motor seized, or cannot be reset.


Depending on brand and failure (i.e., broken stem)

For replacements listed below, the agent must contact an Authorizations Specialist, Authorizations Supervisor, or Manager. Agents must open an exception for the review and also document in the status update note who reviewed and approved the replacement.




Replacement inside and out: Condenser and air handler/coil, package units, wall units, and PTAC.







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