Refund Process

Refund Process

Refunds are processed when a customer has overpaid on their account or is not satisfied with the services rendered.
Refunds are automatically processed once the account is cancelled.
Examples of Refund Requests
  1. Cancellations or agent failed to cancel a previous request.
  2. Duplicate accounts are enrolled for the same product type (e.g., Cinch Complete Plan, Cinch Appliance Plan).
  3. Disputes enrollment (no proof of enrollment).
  4. An incentive was not applied properly.
  5. Ineligible property type (follow ineligible property guidelines).
  6. Billed incorrectly (multiple or incorrect amounts charged on account).

Check Refund Status

You are required to review the account and see if a refund has already been processed. Follow these steps to do so:
  1. Click Menu Options, then select AR Transactions.

  2. Click the Pending Refund tab on the top right of the screen.

  3. To verify if a refund was processed, click the Refunds tab.

  4. If the refund shows processed, advise the customer of the processed date and the allowable time frame to receive the refund.

Refund Process Guidelines

Once you establish a refund is due, follow the guidelines below:
  1. Provide the refund amount and estimated time frame to receive the refund.
  2. If a refund is due from a previous request, check the status of the refund in the AR Transactions tab located in the SCM Menu and advise accordingly.
    1. If there is no status available in the AR Transactions tab, review the Communication History Log for additional information.
      1. If data is available, advise the customer accordingly
      2. If no data is available, send an email to Accounting to escalate the issue
  3. Confirm the payment method on file is valid.
    1. Example: “<Refund Amount> will be credited back to the payment method on file within <Time Frame>, is this payment method still valid?”
      1. If the payment method is no longer valid, follow the Update Payment Plan Procedure to update the payment plan to Bill Me.
      2. Confirm the customer’s mailing address is correct and advise a check will be mailed within 7-10 business days.
  4. Enter notes in the Communication History Log.

Refund Schedule

Payment Method

Time Frame

Credit/Debit Cards & ACH Accounts

3-5 Business Days

Checks mailed via USPS

7-10 Business Days

Checks are processed on Wednesdays and mailed that Friday.

DDA-Demand Deposit Accounts

(Accounts paid by a 3rd party)

3-5 Business Days from the scheduled date and based on the client:


Files Sent On:

USBDDA, HNTBNK, BPOP, FTEN, RGNSBK (Accounts enroll through 2014)

3rd & 18th



Documentation Submission

There are times when additional documentation is needed before processing the customer’s request. The submissions may come from a homeowner, admin, A/E, or another authorized entity.

Examples Include:
  1. Home Sold – A copy of the Closing Disclosure
  2. Rental – A copy of the Rental Agreement
  3. Divorce – A copy of the Divorce Certificate, including a written request to cancel
  4. Property Destroyed – No documentation required
Reference TS&R AR Guidelines to identify which email to provide for documentation submissions.

Procedures prior to requesting documentation

Duplicate Accounts
  1. Perform an address search to find the duplicate account.
  2. Once the duplicate account is located, cancel the account as of the date of duplication.
  3. Once cancelled, the refund will be automatically processed.
  4. If a full refund is not automatically processed, submit a QuickBase Refund Request follow-up to request the remaining amount.
Disputes Enrollment
  1. Advise the customer to allow 24-48 hours to research and pull the call. If a refund is owed it will be credited within <Time Frame>.
    1. Real Estate: Send an email to your supervisor to request proof of enrollment (POE).
    2. Retention: Submit a QuickBase POE follow-up.
Home Sold: The customer requests a refund from the date the home was sold, requiring you to back date the cancellation.
  1. Request appropriate documentation be sent via email or mail.
    1. Provide the correct email based on the client (e.g., Real Estate or 3rd Party DTC).
  2. If customer advises documentation was submitted more than 48 hours ago (email) and/or 7-10 business days ago (USPS), check the Communication History Log to confirm whether documentation was received.
    1. If documents were received, email accounting to escalate the issue.
    2. If documents were not received, confirm the customer has the correct email/mailing address, provide correct information as needed, and request resubmission.
      1. In addition to requesting resubmission, if the customer has sent the submitted documentation to the appropriate location, email accounting to escalate the issue and CC a supervisor.
  3. Set proper expectations for refund processing.
  4. Enter notes in the Communication History Log.
Divorced/Unauthorized User: Owns the property, wants to cancel, their billing method is on file, and requests a refund.
  1. Follow the same process as Home Sold above.

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