On 1/31/2025 we will Cancel all active Referral Plans like WeekendSaver and Referral Assistant 24.
If a customer calls in to use their referral plan and it is now Cancelled, or they inquire about enrollment or billing, use the suggested scripts below to assist.
Offer to transfer to Membership Services Script:
“Our apologies, that plan is no longer available, and you are no longer being billed; but, I can get you over to our membership services department for information on our current plans.”
Membership Services Scripts:
Customer states they were unaware they were enrolled and being charged for the plan:
“This was a product you enrolled in through one of our partners.
Annual renewal notifications were mailed out, the most recent one was sent around <month and year>.”
If the customer requests a refund, you may approve to refund the current term only:
“Our apologies, as a gesture we can offer you a refund for the current term, up to your last renewal.”