Realtor FAQ

Realtor FAQ

Realtor FAQs

Why should I choose HMS vs. other warranty companies?

·         No $$ caps on our basic plan

·         No square footage limitations

·         No age limitation on appliances

·         We cover washer/dryer and refrigerator under out basic plan

·         Claim No Claim benefit – even if nothing breaks, HMS pays!

·         Appliance buyline

·         180-day workmanship guarantee


What does “unknown pre-existing condition” mean?

An unknown pre-existing condition is best described as an undetectable failure.  The HMS home warranty covers mechanical failures provided that the failure could not have been DETECTED by a visual inspection or a simple mechanical test.


Probing questions:


·         Do the systems appear structurally intact?

·         Are they properly hooked up and without damage or missing parts?

·         Do the systems in the home turn on and off?


What if systems in the home cannot be tested?

For example, air conditioners can’t be tested in the winter.  If your buyers close on their home in the winter and have purchased a HMS home warranty, they are covered!


If a system or appliance breaks down, will you have a service company out that same day?

When a homeowner contacts HMS directly for authorization and to request service, we will make every effort to provide a referral to a Service Partner within two (2) hours after the service request is received during normal business hours, and within twenty-four (24) hours for requests received after normal business hours and on weekends or holidays.


Can I use my own vendor?

Homeowners must contact HMS directly at <insert toll-free number> 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for authorization and to request service.  HMS has a national vendor network that includes over 40,000 pre-screened, highly qualified HVAC, electrical, plumbing and appliance Service Partners.  There is no reimbursement for services performed without prior approval.


On a covered claim, repair or replacement, what can I expect to pay?

Typically, you’ll pay one low deductible for covered components that need repair or replacement, saving you thousands of dollars.






How do I find my AE (Account Executive) on your website?

·         Go to

·         Click on Real Estate Professionals

·         Click on Contact Local Account Executive

·         Enter your zip code

o   The HMS National AE contact information is displayed


Can someone from your office give my client a call to answer specific questions about the HMS home warranty?

Absolutely!  I will get a message to the Account Executive in your area who will be more than happy to reach out to your client and answer any questions that they may have.


<look up Account Executive’s name and contact information and confirm if not already mentioned by Realtor®>  The Account executive for that area is <Account Executive name>.


What is your client’s name and phone number?  What is a good day/time for <Account Executive name> to contact them?


<email the client’s contact information to the AE asking that they give the them a call as soon as possible/on the day/time requested by the Realtor®>


Sample email text:


We have received a request from < Realtor® name> at <Real Estate Company name> in <city and state> asking that we contact their client <Client name> at <phone number> to answer specific questions about the HMS home warranty.


<Client name> would like to be contacted <on specific day/time or as soon as possible>.


Thanks very much for your help, and have a great day!


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