


QuickBase is an online database that helps business teams collect, manage, and share information. This tool allows the user to create tasks through a queue. QuickBase is used to create documents requested by Brokers, Account Executives, Affiliates, Realtors and Homeowners. Requests are entered through QuickBase, where a senior enrollment agent reviews and completes the requests. All requests will be completed within 24 hours. To expedite the request, notify the senior enrollment representative.


There are three (3) types of requests:

  1. Realtors, Brokers, Account Executives, Affiliates
    • Realtors request items such as brochures, supplies, member set up, acquisition fees and invoices.
  2. Homeowner
    • Requests from homeowners are typically for renewal invoices, balance due letters, multi-year enrollment set up, installment invoices, discounts and transfer forms.
  3. System Use
    • Not currently used


QuickBase Process

  1. Go to www.quickbase.com
  2. Top right corner of the screen click sign in button
  3. Log in using your Cinch email and password


  1. Click on the Membership Services button


Homeowner/Customer Request Process


1.    From the home page, click the Add New Request button


2.    From the Type field, select Customer Request from the drop down


3.    From the Request:Customer field, select the appropriate request type.

There are various options that can be selected (See definitions for complete descriptions):

·       Brochure

·       Confirmation of Info updated

·       Confirmation of payment taken/applied

·       Confirmation of warranty cancel

·       Confirmation of warranty enrolled

·       Dec page for existing customers

·       Dec page for new customer

·       Do not solicit

·       Fulfillment by FEDEX overnight

·       Manual Document

·       Notification of Non- Renewal (Mobile Home past 10 years)

·       Terms & Conditions

·       Transfer Form



Example: Brochure

1.    From the Send by field, select the desired method the homeowner/customer wants to receive the information.

  • Email = preferred option and most efficient
  • Fax = second option
  • Mail = last option (cost associated with this request and least efficient)



2.    From the Request Detail, select the appropriate Item Description and enter comments in the Comments field, when additional relevant information is necessary.

3.     Click on the Save button.

4.     Pop up message will display, Request record saved.
To enter an additional request, click on the New Request Record button.  

View All Requests

1.    Click on the Home button at the top of the page.

2.    Click OK.


Quickbase Terms

1.    Brochure = Pamphlet listing details about the company and our products

a.      Refer these requests to the HMS website for online review

2.     Confirmation of Info updated = NOT CURRENTLY IN USE

3.     Confirmation of payment taken/applied = Thank you notification for a payment that was received. THIS IS NOT AN INVOICE

4.     Confirmation of warranty cancel = Proof that the warranty has been cancelled

5.     Confirmation of warranty enrolled = NOT CURRENTLY IN USE

6.     Dec page for existing customers = Used only for existing homeowners

a.      The comment field must be used for this option and your noted to include the terms and conditions

7.     Dec Page for new customer = Mostly used for new enrollments where no payment received yet

a.      Only use this options if the customer insists

8.     Do not solicit = NOT CURRENTLY IN USE

9.     Fulfillment by FEDEX overnight = Use as a VERY LAST OPTION!!

10. This request is only to be selected when the caller is extremely irate and has advised they have never received the fulfillment package, however it has been sent on numerous occasions. Do not offer to overnight a fulfillment package. Enter very descriptive notes in the comment field including why this request is necessary.

11. Manual Document = Type =

a.      $60 Less invoice= NOT USED FOR CUSTOMER

b.     Application/ Pending Order Confirmation= NOT CURRENTLY IN USE

c.      Balance Due Notice= Homeowner will request for payment due

d.     Installment Invoice= Used to generate an installment invoice to be sent and is only for renewals

e.      Multiple Year Invoice= Used for new warranty holder requesting more than one year coverage. (Ex 2yr, 3yr or more)

·       In the comment field enter the number of years the customer is requesting

f.       Paid Receipt/ Invoice= NOT USED FOR SHW

g.      Applicable to ODW, BDW, BCW, NHW

h.     Verification of payment received

·       For Customer- A letter is generated

·       For Member- An invoice is generated

·       Renewal Invoice=Used to send te renewal invoice and includes the year and cost they have paid thus far.

12. Notification of Non-Renewal (Mobile past 10 yrs) = Used for homeowners that is living in a mobile home that was built over the last 10 years ago. This is a notification to advice that they cannot renew based on the age of the mobile home. Not a very commonly used request.

13. Terms and conditions = Only for new customers

14. Transfer Form: Used when an existing customer wants to transfer the remaining terms of their contract over to the buyer

a.      There is a $25 fee to transfer and this has to be advised prior to sending out this request

b.     Home Protect does not require this to be filled out- dec pg is required to transfer