Potential Recall: Script

Potential Recall: Script

Eligible Script:

Eligible 180-Day Workmanship


“As a benefit of your warranty, covered repairs are protected for 180 days. You will not be responsible for a new deductible if the problem is diagnosed to be the same covered failure from the original repair.
Keep in mind, if the failure is not related to the original repair/replacement you will be responsible for a new deductible.

Eligible Plumbing Stoppage


“As a benefit of your warranty, cleared plumbing stoppages are protected for 14 days. You will not be responsible for a new deductible if the problem is diagnosed to be the same covered failure from the original repair.
Keep in mind, if the failure is not related to the original repair/replacement you will be responsible for a new deductible.

Ineligible Script:

Ineligible 180-Day Workmanship


“As a benefit of your warranty, covered repairs are protected for 180 days. This repair, however, was completed outside that time frame and a new service request with a new deductible is required. Would you like to enter a new service request now?”

Ineligible Plumbing Stoppage


“As a benefit of your warranty, cleared plumbing stoppages are protected for 14 days. This request, however, was completed outside that time frame and a new service request with a new deductible is required. Would you like to enter a new service request now?”

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