Potential Recall: Customer Service

Potential Recall: Customer Service

A Potential Recall is a Service Request on a product/item recently serviced, and the customer is reporting the same failure within the 180-day workmanship guarantee period (14 days for plumbing stoppages).

The customer's Contract Status does not affect Recall initiation. Whether the contract was Cancelled, is Pending Cancellation, or has Expired, legally we are required to uphold our Workmanship Guarantee!

Be sure to advise customer of potential recall information using the Potential Recall Scripting.

  1. Open the Service Request in Zoho
  2. If the original Service Request is not in a Completed status, agent will need to swivel to ServiceBench to initiate the Recall.
  3. Copy the original SP info in case Force/Manual assignment is needed.
  4. Click Recall Dispatch. The system will start the initiation process by confirming the recall time frame.

    1. If the request is outside of the recall time frame an error message will display. Use the Ineligible Script to advise customer. A new Service Request will need to be created as this is not a recall.

  5. Zoho will create a new case, click Service Request.
  6. Zoho will auto-assign the Service Request to the original SP for a Standard severity
    1. If the original SP does not show availability, the system will display the Force Assign pop-up. Force Assign to the original SP.
    2. If unable to Force Assign to the original SP, assign to Procure Vendor.
    3. If the original SP is no longer active, an error message will display. Click OK and follow normal assignment guidelines.
  7. Zoho will pop up to advise the system status of the Original SP including their account and phone numbers for Emergency and Medical Emergency severities
    1. Always call Original and any additional SPs for verbal acceptance before assigning the recall (Sears and GE excluded).
    2. If the original SP accepts and is showing availability, then select from the calendar to assign.
    3. If the original SP accepts but is not showing availability, then click SP Extended Zip Search for the Force Assign option.

  8. Once the SP has been assigned, the Service Request will auto-populate the Special Instructions. For Appliance recalls select the current Symptom Code. Click Next.

  9. On the Deductible pop-up, the Waive Reason will automatically be selected, click Confirm Appointment.

  10. The Recall Service Request is now created. Provide information to the customer.
  11. Enter a Comment including all pertinent information.

  12. Enter the Call Log Activity inside the Case.
    1. Call Category: CS - Service Initiation 
    2. Call Sub Category: Recall
    3. Click the Swivel to SB? box if the recall had to be initiated in SB

Review the Potential Recall: Customer Service Module by clicking the link below:

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