PCI Compliant TS&R: Secure Card Capture

PCI Compliant TS&R: Secure Card Capture

To ensure PCI compliance, Cinch has multiple options to securely capture payment information.
Options available to be used in the following order:

  1. Card on File (COF)
  2. Secure Card Capture link sent to the customer
  3. Manual Capture - Verbally taking card info over the phone
  4. Direct customer to MyAccount
MyAccount URLS:
my.cinchhomeservices.com (Non-Sears Customers)
my.searshomewarranty.com (Sears Customers)

Scenarios may include:
  1. New Enrollments
  2. Making a Payment
  3. Update Billing Method
  4. Upsell
  5. Options and/or Additions
  6. Saves

TS&R Scripting

Card on File - Speaking with Contract/Card holder

“[caller name] I see you have a card on file, with the last 4 numbers of [XXXX].

May I use that card to process your payment?”

Caller name must match Card Holder

Card on File OR Card entered by Link
Does Not Match Caller

“I see we have a card on file for <Card Holder Name>, are they available to come to the phone and authorize the payment?”

"I see the card entered is for <Card Holder Name> are they available to come to the phone and authorize the payment."

"We must speak with the cardholder to process a payment."

Card Capture Link
(Not using card on file)

“[caller name] for your protection, I am able to send you a secure payment link via text to capture your payment information. 

May I send to the cell number ending in {xxxx} ?
For your security, please do not read the card details out loud."

If text not received within 30 seconds offer Email Link option.

"I can also send a link via Email, may I send to email {@xxxx} now?"

If email sent, advise customer to click on the Update Payment Information Link inside the email. 

Customer Accepts Link

“I will stay here on the line with you while you enter your card details.”

Customer Driving:
Direct to MyAccount (Only if a valid email address on file)

“For your protection I would like to send you a secure payment link via text or email.

I understand you are driving, would you like to go to MyAccount and update this information at a later time?”

Customer unable to enter card details

“[caller name] you were unable to successfully enter a payment method using our secure link.

If you like, I can attempt to manually enter the card details for you or you can visit MY ACCOUNT, our self-service portal, to update your payment information later.”

Manual Card Entry

“I am able to update your payment details manually. 

What is the name that appears on the card you will be using?

Please verify the billing address associated with the card.

What is your card number, expiration date, and CVV?” 

TIMX SCM Secure Card Capture

When NOT using a Card on File and we need to obtain NEW card info:

  1.  In the Payment Entry or Payment Maintenance screen, click Transfer.

  2.  The Card Capture UI will open in your default Web Browser.

  3.  If Cell # and Email are on file they will populate in the Mobile Number and Email ID fields. Confirm this # is where the customer would like to receive the Card Capture Link Text, manually update if different, then click Send Link.
    If Text not received within 30 seconds move on to sending the link via Email.

  4. Customer will receive a Cinch Alerts text or email from donotreply@cinchhs.com including the Secure Link to enter their Card Details. Stay on the line while the customer completes this entry. 
    If the customer clicks Cancel they may access the link again and re-attempt. If the customer did not receive the text or email, confirm the cell # or email and send link again.

  5.  While the customer enters their card details, continue to click Refresh OR click Auto Refresh for the system to refresh for you.

  6.  The customer will receive a message advising the card entry was successful OR has not been saved.

  7.  Once the customer successfully enters their card details, you will receive the update advising the request is Completed. You may close this tab to return to TIMX SCM.

  8.  After closing the Card Capture tab, click Refresh in TIMX SCM to update the Card information entered by the customer. 
    Continue with saving the billing method or processing the payment.

  9.  A system generated note is entered in the COMM HIST LOG reflecting a Successful or Unsuccessful card capture using the secure card capture link.

  10. If all efforts fail to securely update payment information through the Link, offer to Manually enter their payment information. 

Manual Capture Payment

When NOT using a Card on File and we need to obtain NEW card info:
  1. In the Card Capture screen, click on the Manual Capture Payment link to open the Card Information Screen:
    1. Read Required Scripting
    2. ROD: Click Record and Pause prior to obtaining card details, click Play to resume the recording
    3. Billing address will pre-populate, edit if needed
    4. Enter all Card Information including: Card Holder Name, Card Number, CVV (Security Code), Expiration Date
    5. Once info is entered, click Submit to save

  2. You will return to the TIMX Card Capture screen. Click Refresh to populate the card details entered on the left panel and click Submit.

  3. You may then close the Card Capture Tab, return to TIMX SCM, and click Refresh to populate the last 4 digits of the card captured. 
    Continue with saving the billing method or processing the payment.

ROD: Record On Demand

ALERT: If there is an issue with ROD, attempt a second time to pause the recording, if unable, proceed with processing the Manual Payment.
Escalate the ROD issue to your supervisor and provide the Contract Number, and Call Time. 
  1. Open and log into ROD using your Cato credentials. 


  2. When obtaining Card Details over the phone you must first click Record, prior to asking the caller for their card details click Pause, once card details have been entered click Play to resume the recording. 


  3. Click the Business Data icon ($folder) and enter the appropriate Code and the Contract # in the Contract Number field.

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