Parts Procurement Note Template

Parts Procurement Note Template

These Note Templates are used when a Parts Procurement job needs to be created due to Sears, GE, or Whirlpool not being able to locate the needed part, the part was NLA through their suppliers, or are recommending a replacement.

Customer Service

Customer Service Template-Private Note

Caller Name

Caller name and relationship to contract holder


Service Initiation/Follow Up/General Coverage/Inquiry


Details as to the reason for the call


What actions were taken


Caller questions/concerns and understanding of the information


Caller Name: Leland Strive, Contract Holder

Reason: Follow Up

Details: Customer following up on parts ordered by Sears.

Action: Reviewed Sears Service Pro, tech advised parts NLA, reached out to Tier 1 to have parts procurement job created.

Closing: Advised customer to allow research time to locate the part/replacement, no further questions.


Escalations Template-Private Note


Customer Advocacy – Team

Caller Name

Caller name and relationship to contract holder

Contact Type

Live Transfer/Customer Overflow, Who transferred

Escalation Reason

Why is the caller escalating?


What is the current status of the job? What is needed at this point to move forward?


What are you doing/what did you do to get to the next phase or to complete this job?


Caller questions/concerns and understanding of the information


Email Case Created

Dept/Team: Customer Advocacy – Tier 2

Caller Name: Leland Strive, Husband of Contract Holder

Contact Type: Live Transfer, Transferred from Buffy Summers

Escalation Reason: Customer following up on parts ordered by Sears.

Details: Reviewed notes, Sears tech completed diagnosis and ordered parts for repair 3 weeks ago, customer has not received any updates, reviewed Sears Service Pro, tech advised parts NLA.

Action: Searched for email case in Zoho, Case #4032634 has already been created and is in the queue to be worked by research, created Sears Parts Procurement job.

Closing: Advised customer parts are being sent to our research team to move the process along, no further questions.

No Email Case

Dept/Team: Customer Advocacy – Tier 2

Caller Name: Leland Strive, Husband of Contract Holder

Contact Type: Live Transfer, Transferred from Buffy Summers

Escalation Reason: Customer following up on parts ordered by Sears.

Details: Reviewed notes, Sears tech completed diagnosis and ordered parts for repair 3 weeks ago, customer has not received any updates, reviewed Sears Service Pro, tech advised parts NLA.

Action: Searched for email case in Zoho, no case found, created Sears Parts Procurement job and Research Escalation Exception.

Closing: Advised customer parts are being sent to our research team to move the process along, no further questions.


Authorizations Template-Private Note

Original Job:

Authorizations Note: New service job created to execute research. Please view the Service Job assigned to Sears Parts Procurement.

Parts Procurement Job:

Enter the Service Report

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