Part Line Statuses

Part Line Statuses

When a customer calls in to follow up on the status of an ordered part/replacement, the agent will need to review the Service Job to verify where the part is coming from, if it has been ordered yet, and if there is an ETA to give.

Who is supplying

Parts Provider
Status Capability
View Only
When Cinch is supplying parts, the request will be sent to the Parts Sourcing Department.

Parts will either be ordered through our Integrated Distributors or our Non-Integrated Distributors.
  1. Integrated:  Distributors that have merged their ordering platform with ServiceBench for easier access (i.e. Encompass, Goodman/Motili, etc.).
  2. Non-Integrated:  Distributors that only allow orders to be completed through their ordering platform (i.e. SIBI, Marcone, Lennox, etc.).
The Parts Department will locate the part/replacement and submit the order.
  1. Parts will be shipped directly to the Service Provider.
  2. Appliance replacements will be shipped directly to the Customer.
Service Pro
View Only
When Sears is assigned to a Service Job, they are responsible for supplying parts.
  1. IF Sears  was  able to locate the part,
    THEN the part will ship directly to the Customer.
  2. IF Sears  was not  able to locate the part,
    THEN a request will be sent to Cinch to locate the part.
Service Provider
When the Service Provider has been approved to supply parts, we do not get Part Status updates.

The Service Provider must be contacted to get a status update.

Part Status Definitions and What to Advise

In addition to verifying Part Line Statuses,  ALWAYS  be sure to check the Service Job Comments for any additional updates and advise accordingly.

Cinch Integrated (Shopping Cart)

Part Status
What does it mean?
What do I advise?
Parts Order Awaiting Authorization
Our integrated distributor was able to locate the part however, pricing is over the threshold and needs to be reviewed by a Cinch Agent.
Advise customer part has been located and is ready to be ordered however, our Parts Department needs to review some additional information before we can submit the order. 
On Back Order
The part has been ordered through the Integrated System and the distributor is actively searching for the part.
Advise customer part order has been submitted however, the distributor is still in the process of locating the part on their end.
The part has been ordered.
Advise customer part has been ordered.
The part has been shipped.
A hyperlink will now be available on the Part Line to track the shipment.

Advise customer part has been shipped to the Service Provider and they will contact them for scheduling once received. 
The Service Provider received the part but it was damaged. 
Advise customer part arrived damaged and a new part is being ordered.
Our integrated distributor was unable to locate the part and order was cancelled.
The Parts Department will now attempt to manually source part through our non-integrated distributors.

Advise customer parts are still in the process of being located by our Parts Department.

Cinch Non-Integrated

Part Status
What does it mean?
What do I advise?
Order Requested,
Order Error,
Not Found,
All these statuses mean that the part is currently in research waiting on an agent to manually locate and order. 
Advise customer part is still in the process of being located by our Parts Department.
In Process
The Parts Department has located the part however, we are waiting for additional information from the Service Provider before we can submit the order.
Advise customer part has been located and is ready to be ordered however, we need some additional information from the Service Provider before we can submit the order.
The part has been located and forwarded to Purchasing to be ordered.
Advise customer part has been located and we are waiting for the order to go through.
The part has been ordered.
If there is any ETA information, it will be updated in the Service Job Comments.

Advise customer part has been ordered and give ETA if available.
Not Required
Part is no longer needed.
In these cases, there is nothing to relay to the customer.

Service Provider

Part Status
What does it mean?
What do I advise?
Service Provider is supplying the part.
Advise customer to contact the Service Provider for an update or offer to place customer on a brief hold while you make an attempt to contact the Service Provider for them.
COD Part
Part is not covered.
Advise customer of denial.


Part Status
What does it mean?
What do I advise?
Part is in research with supplier.
Advise customer that Sears is locating the part.
Back Order Hold
Parts wont ship until the back ordered part for the service is available to ship.

Advise customer part has been ordered and is in the process of shipping.
Back Order/OEM Out of Stock
Part will ship when the source has an in-stock position.

Advise customer part has been ordered and is in the process of shipping.
Back Ordered at Factory
Advise customer part has been ordered and is in the process of shipping.
Not Available: Part is no longer available.
Advise customer Sears was unable to locate the part and request has been forwarded to Cinch to locate part through our distributors.
Factory Order: Part has been ordered from the factory.
Advise customer of any updates, tracking information, or ETA located in Sears Service Pro under the Parts Tab.
In Process: Order is in the process of shipping.
Advise customer of any updates, tracking information, or ETA located in Sears Service Pro under the Parts Tab.
In Transit: Order is on its way to the factory for fulfillment.
Advise customer of any updates, tracking information, or ETA located in Sears Service Pro under the Parts Tab.
Ordered: The part has been ordered.
Advise customer part has been ordered as well as any updates, tracking information, or ETA located in Sears Service Pro under the Parts Tab.
Shipped to Customer
Advise customer part has been shipped as well as any updates, tracking information, or ETA located in Sears Service Pro under the Parts Tab.
Shipped to Unit
Advise customer part has been shipped as well as any updates, tracking information, or ETA located in Sears Service Pro under the Parts Tab.
Shipped: The part has been shipped.
Advise customer part has been shipped as well as any updates, tracking information, or ETA located in Sears Service Pro under the Parts Tab.
Installed: The part has been installed.
In these cases, there is nothing to relay to the customer.
Uninstalled: The part has been uninstalled by the technician.
In these cases, there is nothing to relay to the customer.

Review Part Line Statuses Module by clicking the link below:

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