Open Direct Warranty (ODW) Definition, Requirements & Enrollment System Process

Open Direct Warranty (ODW) Definition, Requirements & Enrollment System Process

Enrollment Definition

An Open Direct Warranty is available to existing homeowners not purchasing or selling their home (i.e., when the home is not listed for sale or the home was purchased more than 30 days ago.) The warranty is purchased outside of a real estate transaction.  

This type of coverage becomes effective thirty (30) days after enrollment and FULL payment must be received at the time of enrollment.  


Business Requirements

  1. The effective date of coverage is thirty (30) days from the enrollment date. 
  2. Full payment is required upon enrollment.  
  3. The expiration date is one year from the effective date.  

Account Executives
  1. If the application is sent via email, the customer must call in the payment once they receive the invoice.
  2. If the application is being emailed, it should include the payment in the form of a check.

Enrollment System Process

  1. Obtain the caller’s first and last name.  Establish if the caller is the homeowner or the agent.  
    (if the homeowner, ask if they were referred by an agent)
  2.  Obtain and write down the property address and conduct a search before processing the enrollment to prevent duplicate enrollments. 
  3. If the closing on the property was more than 30 days, continue to the next step.
    (if the property closed 30 days or less, set up a Buyer Direct Warranty or New Home Warranty- see specific topics for instructions) 
  4. Verify coverage and pricing via the state matrix for the area.   
  5. Provide the caller with a brief summary and answer any questions. 
  6. Enter the homeowner’s name, best contact telephone number, alternate telephone number, and email address.  (Repeat this step to enter each additional contract holder) 
  7. Enter the property address.
  8.  If applicable, retrieve the mailing and/or billing address. 
  9. If it is the homeowner and referred by an agent, obtain the agent’s main office telephone number, to retrieve the member broker number
    Do NOT use the house account). The agent can also enroll, convert, and renew online. 
  10. If no agent is involved, refer to the updated AE House Account List to retrieve the broker/account number.
  11. Enter ODW in the Purchase Type field. 
  12.  Today’s date will default in the Application and Enrollment fields. 
  13. Offer Buyer options (ex. PUP, Septic, Pool, etc.), and additions (ex. refrigerator, water heater, etc.), when available per the state-specific matrix. 
  14. Advise homeowners that options/additions can be added up to 30 days from the effective date 
  15. Advise the caller of the cost and the credit card payment options.  

Collecting Payment

  1. Assume the Auto Pay option by reading Verbal Agreement: Recurring Billing Disclaimer to the homeowner. 
  2. Enter the payment using the TS&R Payments: Secure Card Capture Process.
  3.  Provide the following to the homeowner:
    1. The contract number 
    2.  The price of the warranty 
    3. The effective date of coverage (effective 30 days after enrollment) 
  4. Document the transaction in the Communication History Log. 


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