


On occasion, Cinch flags an account/property for non renewal.  This can occur when the property is not eligible for coverage based on the terms of the warranty or the company made a financial decision to no longer renew the coverage.  The customer can also request to be flagged as non renewal .When this occurs, set the account for non-renewal through the menu options or change renewal status, if unable to do so contact a member of the management team. This process is for viewing purposes only.


When an account has been flagged for non renew, the Renewal field will display an N.


1.    To view the non renewal reason, click on the Menu Options icon and select Non Renewal Reasons.  The reason box will display with the non renewal reason.



Note: If the Non-Renewal Reason is Service Company Option, the Enrollment Form will display with an orange highlight. 


Non-Renewal - Service Company Option

If an account has been set to Non-Renewal for the reason of Service Company Option, the enrollment screen will display in orange as below.   This will quickly alert all users that the account was set to not renew for this reason and that special handling will be needed.  


Non-Renewal Script

When a customer calls in regard to a non- renewal letter or to inquire about their warranty status, it is imperative that scripting is followed for the non-renewal reason of Service Company Option.  All escalations should be referred to a Supervisor for immediate assistance while the caller is still on the line.  At NO time should a customer be directed to contact the Legal & Compliance department or instructed to request further assistance in writing via an email or letter to the corporate office.   


The below scripting provides the necessary language to explain the non-renewal process to the customer.  Again, if assistance is needed, a supervisor must be engaged.


(Customer Name), the company (HMS or Cinch), like all organizations, review their business portfolio and make decisions to conduct business based on this.  All businesses evaluate various factors when deciding to offer products or services in certain areas.  Things such as the ability to provide a product or service at the level expected, operating costs or the given market’s needs.   This is a standard practice for all businesses and I am sure, you would understand a business’ need to make these hard decisions.


As it is your right per the contract to discontinue the warranty, the company can exercise the same right.  Decisions to not renew a warranty are taken very seriously and made in alignment with our business goals.  At this time, the company has decided not to renew your warranty.


If no additional questions, proceed to wrap up.


If additional questions:  (Customer Name), we understand your concerns and want to ensure you that the decision to non-renew the warranty involved extensive consideration.  At this time, the company has decided not to move forward with the renewal of your warranty in alignment with our business plan.


Wrap up:  (Customer Name), we at (HMS or Cinch), apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.


If still active:  Your warranty is set to expire on (date), we would recommend using this time to seek coverage alternatives.



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