Non-Covered Charges: Advising the Customer

Non-Covered Charges: Advising the Customer

Non-Covered Charges are charges associated with additional work required to complete an approved repair/replacement.

These charges are not covered under the warranty and are the customer's responsibility to pay to the Service Provider.

These charges include, but are not limited to disposal of equipment, duct/electrical/plumbing modifications, reclamation of refrigerant, code upgrades, permits, condenser pads, etc.

Be sure to always review coverage as some customers may have purchased PUP (Premier Upgrade Package) coverage, which helps to offset some of these costs.

Review the Non-Covered Charges Module for more information on what these charges are for.

Customer Service Procedure

HVAC and Water Heater replacements will typically have Non-Covered Costs (NCC) associated with them. Once an HVAC or Water Heater has been approved for replacement and the equipment has been verified by the Service Provider, the equipment is immediately ordered. Options are not given for these items. The customer is then sent an email advising of the replacement information. 

If the customer calls in to follow-up on their request, review the service job to verify a replacement has been approved.
  1. Identify the approval status and provide the decision to the customer advising of the Non-Covered Charges listed in the note. Use the suggested scripting below:

    “<Customer Name>, I have great news! Your service request has been approved for <Repair/Replacement> of the <Item>. We have already placed an order for the necessary equipment and communicated the approval to your assigned service
    provider to schedule the appointment for <Repair/Replacement>. There are some non-covered charges associated with this <Repair/Replacement> in the amount of <NCC Amount>. These charges include <Breakdown>.”

  2. DO NOT create a TSS-Order Equipment Exception as the equipment has already been ordered.
If the customer disputes the equipment offered or the Non-Covered Charges, use soft skills and advise of the general exclusions in the customer contract. If the customer continues to dispute, transfer to Tier 1.

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