Non-Renewal Reason Codes

Non-Renewal Reason Codes

Non-Renewal Reason Codes

Non-Renewal codes are used when customers are requesting their account to be flagged as Non-Renewal.  The purpose of these codes is  to gain more insight into why customers don’t want to renew (what’s driving the NON RENEWALS).

Although there are 12 Non-Renewal Codes listed, you should only select from the top 4 codes.  The top 4 codes are as follows: 

Non-Renewal Description

Reason Code

Customer Scenarios - Use this code when you hear…

Customer Requested- Budget Constraints


“I can no longer afford the plan”, “I lost my employment and don’t have funds”, “It’s not worth the money- I don’t need the plan any longer”


Customer Requested- Service Issue


“I had a lousy claims experience and I don’t want to renew” , “You never have any service providers in my area”, “Your technicians don’t know how to resolve my claims”, “I don’t like your Customer Service”


Customer Requested- Product or Price Related


“I don’t like that the coverage changed, please non-renew my plan”, “I got a notice of a price/deductible increase, please non-renew my plan”, “There are too many exclusions or Out of Pocket expenses, please do non-renew me”


Customer Requested- Other



Please use this code when the customer reason does not fit Budget, Service, or Product

After all required attempts to save the customer have been exhausted, including any attempts to down-sell, upsell or to collect Paid Call fee (Sears-Only), enter the appropriate Non-Renew reason and be sure to input any notes in TIMX.

*Do not use any other codes at the bottom of the list*


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