Manual Document Creation in TIMX

Manual Document Creation in TIMX

Manual Document Creation in TIMX

All on-phone associates are able to generate certain documents for customers and members as part of the call interaction.  There is no longer a need to enter a Quickbase task for the offline team to manually create the requested documents.

Name of Documents Generated From TIMX

Previous Document Name in Quickbase

Payment Confirmation Receipt

Paid Receipt/Invoice

Balance Due Invoice

Balance Due Notice

Multi Year Invoice

Multi Year Invoice



Dates Available for Use




Payment Confirmation Receipt (Quickbase Paid Receipt/Invoice)






Communication method can be email, or a printed version can be created.  Always try to send via email.  Regular mail should only be used when an email address cannot be provided.



Balance Due Invoice (Quickbase Balance Due Notice)






Communication method can be email, or a printed version can be created.  Always try to send via email.  Regular mail should only be used when an email address cannot be provided.


The ability to send to multiple email addresses at once is also available.



Multi-Year Invoice


  1. After creating new warranties (or opening existing warranties) select the “Options” button. Make sure all of the options you want to have showing on this invoice are on the summary list (and make sure you have the correct deductible showing as well). For Options, there is no way to set up any options for only one or some of the years.
    1. enter the request in Quickbase as a Manual Invoice
    2. Seller Air & Heat will appear on the invoice above year one if it is selected in the SHW.
    3. Select “Save” to confirm your selections.
    4. Remember the purchase type (BDW, etc.) as you will need this later.


Advise the customer the invoice will be generated within 48 hours.  If the invoice is needed immediately, send an email to with Urgent in the Subject line.


  1. Either go back to the main TIMX screen or open a new TIMX session. Select “HMS” in the menu bar, and then select “Manual Documents” in the dropdown menu.

  1. Select “Multi Year Invoice”.


  1. Enter the Contract Number. When entering the Renewal Year, keep in mind the first year of the policy is Year 0 (Zero). Please see the chart below as a guide to entering the correct amount of time.Select the Purchase Type, and then select the “Print” radio button followed by the “Submit” button.


5.     Why choose Print? So that you can view the invoice to make sure the math works, the years are right and the customer and agent information is on point. If the years look off, go back to the previous screen to fix the years. If anything else here looks off, you’ll have to go back to the enrollment screen to make the change. Once you are done viewing the document just close the window.




6.     Back at the Manual Documents screen, select “Multi Year Invoice” again.


7.     Reenter the Contract Number, the Renewal Year, the Purchase Type, and this time select “Email” radio button. Enter the email address you want to send this to, and finally select the “Submit” button again.




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