Legal & Compliance Department: Contact Procedure

- We cannot provide contact information for the Legal Department to homeowners. Only an attorney or legal counsel that is representing one of our homeowners.
If a Customer Service Agent has an escalated homeowner on the line who is stating they will be seeking legal counsel, but they are not the attorney who would be representing the homeowner, the agent should:
- Reach out to your supervisor or leader and advise the customer on the line is threatening Legal.
- The leader will then either take over the call or approve Tier 2 handling.
If a Customer Service Agent has a call from the attorney who would be representing the homeowner, the agent should not provide any information on the account. In addition, please:
- Consult with a Supervisor to get Legal contact information to be provided to the attorney.
- Use the following script:
“I’m sorry sir/ma’am but we are unable to disclose any information regarding a customer’s account. Since you, as an attorney, are now involved, I must refer you to our Legal Department for any information. You can contact the Legal Department at” - Thoroughly document the account including notes indicating you provided the Legal correspondence email address.
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