Leak Stop

Leak Stop

Service Professionals are approved to use Leak Stop following the guidelines outlined below without calling into Authorizations.

The use of Leak Stop will be approved as a viable repair on all HVAC sealed systems (straight cool/heat pump split systems, packaged units).
Our average cost for Leak stop based on historical average and market price is $82.

Fact Gathering Questions

  1. Is the system low on refrigerant?
  2. Did the Service Professional complete a leak search?
    1. If yes and the leak search resulted in no leak found, approve the addition of the appropriate amount of refrigerant based on pressures.
    2. If no and they have not already charged the unit, we should recommend that a leak search is performed to determine the source.
  3. If the leak search identified a leak and it is visible (oil is visible or the leak is heard):
    1. Is it accessible and can be repaired?
      1. If yes: Repair the conventional way (brazing).
      2. If no: Ask the technician if the recommend the use of leak stop.
        1. If yes: Approve the repair using leak stop according to manufacturer’s instructions.
        2. If no: Capture the details of the technician’s recommended repair and process accordingly.
  4. If the leak search identifies a leak that is not visible and cannot be repaired using the conventional method:
    1. Ask the technician if they recommend the use of leak stop.
      1. If yes: Approve the repair using leak stop according to manufacturer’s instructions.
      2. If no: Capture the details of the technician’s recommended repair and process accordingly.

ServiceBench Process

  1. Enter Leak Stop in the Part Line.
    1. Product Row: Select model number from list of values
    2. Part Ordered: Enter the part number of the leak stop used or Enter Leak stop if the part number is unknown
      1. Example: “4050-08” or “Leak Stop”
    3. Description: Enter details of the leak stop used (brand and product information) or Leak stop if details are unknown
      1. Example: “EasySeal Direct Inject” or “Leak Stop”
    4. Status: Installed (the SP will always supply leak stop)
    5. Part Item Code: Choose Leak Stop from the list of values
  2. Enter any additional parts needed to complete repair.
  3. Enter a Status Update Comment and include the statement Approved the repair of <Item> using leak stop.
    1. Example: "Approved the repair of the evaporator coil using leak stop."

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