IVR Payment Capture & Consent

IVR Payment Capture & Consent

The Interactive Voice Payment (IVR) can be used as a “last resort option” if a secure link is unsuccessful or declined by the authorized user.
NOTE: If customer refuses to be transferred to the Payment IVR or update/enter payment details in My Account, you can transfer the authorized user to the Secure Payment Capture group.

Agents can transfer a customer to the IVR Payment Capture system when changing to credit card when previously ACH, Invoice or Client/Mortgage billing.

DO NOT use IVR Payment Capture in any of the following scenarios:

o Warranty in cancelled status.
o Account is in pending cancellation status; once the payment is collected, manually reinstate the warranty.
o Renewal and Enrollment calls (includes adding the auto-renewal feature, CINCH REAL ESTATE ONLY)
o One-time payments or 
o First time payments, such as optional or additional coverage payments, paid call, and lessor of cancel fee payment

NOTE: Record On Demand (ROD) is NOT required for billing transactions that are transferred to the IVR.


  1. Determine the mode of payment. Use the below suggested scripting.
    "<Customer Name>, the total payment due is <Amount>, are you paying with credit card or a checking/savings account (ACH)?"

    1. If Credit Card : Validate and review the billing and payment information with the customer, then follow Secure Card Capture process.

    2. If ACH (Checking/Savings Account) : Read the Verbal Agreement script.

  2. Ask if this is the same payment method they will be using for monthly recurring payments. Use the below suggested scripting.
    "Is this the payment method you'd like to use for your monthly payments of <Monthly Amount>?"

    1. If Yes : Proceed to Step 3

    2. If No : Manually collect a one-time payment 

  3. Obtain agreement from the customer to capture the payment and/or payment method and frequency via the IVR system.
    "<Customer Name>, the last step is to capture your payment information. Please hold while I transfer you to our secured automated payment system. Was there anything else I can answer for you today? Thank you for calling <Department or Program Name>."

  4. Transfer the customer to the IVR Payment Capture system. The CTI screen will remain visible on your desktop during the transaction.

    1. Click the Pay by Phone icon on the CTI pop-up screen to display the Pay by Phone dialogue box.

    2. Enter the customer's Contract Number and Amount of Pay .

    3. Click Transfer to transfer the customer to the IVR.

  5. Enter the notes into TIMX SCM Comm Hist Log , to include the payment dollar amount, future billing method setup and payment frequency.

    Sample Note Template


    John Smith

    Reason for Call


    Reason Details

    H/O C/I to make a payment of $49.99 on CC. Future payments on CC monthly.

    Action(s) Taken

    Transferred to IVR

    Sales Details


    PYMT Details


    Sales Scripting Completed


    CC/ACH Scripting Completed




Customer is updating payment method only

  1. Determine the mode of payment. Use the below suggested scripting.
    "Are you paying with a credit card, or a checking/savings accoung (ACH)?"

    1. If Credit Card : Validate and review the billing and payment information with the customer, then follow Secure Card Capture process.

    2. If ACH (Checking/Savings Account) : Read the Verbal Agreement script.

  2. Obtain agreement from the customer to capture the payment method and frequency via the IVR.

  3. Transfer the customer to the IVR:

    1. Click the Pay by Phone icon on the CTI pop-up screen and enter the information.

      1. Enter the customer's contract number in the Contract Number field.

      2. Enter 0 in the Amount to Pay field (since the customer is updating payment method only and no payment is being collected).

    2. Click Transfer to transfer the customer to the IVR.

  4. Enter the notes into the TIMX SCM Comm Hist Log , to include the future billing method setup and payment frequency.

IVR Payment Capture failed

If the IVR process fails, the customer will be transferred back to the Priority Retention or Cinch Real Estate queue, depending on the customer's enrolled service plan. The call will not necessarily be transferred back to the same agent, therefore the receiving agent will need to review the call flow to determine why the call was transferred back to the queue.

  1. Review the Call Flow field on the CTI pop-up to determine if the Verbal Agreement needs to be read to the customer. The Call Flow field indicates why the call was transferred back to the queue.

    1. If Call Flow displays "Customer Declines Payment" or "Failed IVR Secure Payment":

      1. Read the Verbal Agreement script.

      2. Proceed to Step 2

    2. If Call Flow displays "Caller Difficulty", "System Technical Difficulty", or "$ Amount Due":

      1. Proceed to Step 2

  2. Confirm the reason for the CTI transfer and proceed with next steps to assist the customer. Do not re-verify the customer's information. Use the below suggested scripting.
    "Hello, this is <Agent Name> with <Department/Program Name>, I see you were attempting to <Update Payment Method/Make A Payment>, is that correct? I am happy to assist you!"

  3. Apply the manual payment capture procedures to complete the transaction.

  4. Enter the note into the TIMX SCM Comm Hist Log , to include the future billing method setup and payment frequency.

Customer not identified by IVR

If the IVR is unable to identify the customer, they will be routed to an agent for handling. The CTI Call Flow will display "Contract data not found".

In these scenarios, you can send the customer back to the Pay by Phone system. Simply enter the customer's Contract Number and Amount to Pay and transfer back to the IVR.

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