Handling Disputes

Handling Disputes

When a customer does not agree with a decision that was made on their service request, they may call in to dispute the decision. Listen to the customers’ concerns then review the job to ensure the correct decision was made. The most common disputes are related to Options or Coverage.


Denial Dispute

Customer is calling in upset that their job was denied.
  1. Review the job, verify the reason for the denial and check it against the customer’s warranty.
  2. If the denial is valid:
    1. Educate the customer of the reasoning
    2. Advise where in the contract it is stated and what it says
    3. Use the Soft No Approach
  3. If the denial is not valid:
    1. Review with your supervisor
    2. If your supervisor agrees, overturn the denial
    3. Update anything needed in the job to move it forward

Unauthorized Work Dispute

Customer is calling in upset because we denied their unauthorized work.
  1. Verify why customer had work completed prior to calling in a service request.
  2. Review the customer’s account fully to make the best decision possible.
  3. If an invoice has already been attached review with your supervisor.
  4. If an invoice is not attached, advise customer to send to Support Services.
    1. Email: supportservices@cinchhs.com
    2. Create a T3 task for follow up
  5. If no exception can be made, educate the customer on the reasoning.
    1. Advise where in the contract it is stated and what is says
    2. Use the Soft No Approach

Non-Covered Charges Dispute

Customer is calling in upset because they have non-covered charges associated with their repair/replacement.
  1. Review the charges and educate customer on warranty terms
    1. Advise where in the contract it is stated and what it says
    2. Use the Soft No Approach
  2. Verify the charges match
    1. If the SP advised the customer of a different amount than what they advised Cinch, reach out to them and advise they cannot change pricing once it has been submitted and relayed to the customer.
  3. Advise customer that these charges come from the SP and to reach out to them with any questions about the charges.

Deductible/Replacement Deductible Dispute

Customer is calling in upset about their deductible and wants it refunded/refuses to pay.
  1. If agent feels a reimbursement should be given, review with a sup
    1. If approved
      1. Move forward with refund
    2. If not approved
      1. Educate customer on the warranty terms
      2. Advise where in the contract it is stated and what it says
      3. Re-iterate that this is a non-refundable deductible

Options Dispute

Replacement Dispute

Customer is calling in to dispute the replacement they were offered.
  1. Verify the unit offered is comparable using the Appliance Replacement Feature Matching Guide.
  2. If dispute is valid:
    1. Send back to research using the Purchasing Escalations Form
  3. If dispute is NOT valid:
    1. Educate the customer on the warranty terms
    2. Advise where in the contract it is stated and what it says
    3. Advise the only other option would be the claim credit

Claim Credit Dispute

Customer is calling in to dispute the amount of the claim credit offered.
  1. Verify that the amount offered is correct
  2. If amount is not correct:
    1. Review with sup to update
  3. If amount is correct:
    1. Educate the customer on the warranty terms
    2. Advise where in the contract it is stated and what it says
    3. Advise the only other options would be to take the replacement

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