Equipment Replacement: Return & Restock Fee

Equipment Replacement: Return & Restock Fee

Any item that is refused or requested to be returned that was not the result of being damaged during shipment or an incorrect order processed and shipped by us, a return/restock flat fee of 35% of the cost of the item will be applied and deducted from the buy-out amount should the customer desire to revert to accepting the cash allowance.
During the process of providing the customer with options to either accept the buy-out amount or accept a replacement item, it is critical and required that the agent convey all information clearly and completely. Advising the customer that they are responsible to review all attributes, color, and dimensions especially prior to acceptance. This MUST be stated on the call. This is not the responsibility of Cinch or its Service Professionals. Cinch is not responsible for any modifications that may be required to accommodate their new item. The agent is to request verbal acknowledgement from the customer that they understand our Return and Restock Fee Policy.

Impact on Service Process

Should the customer refuse or return the item, advise that the 35% flat fee is going to be deducted from the buy-out amount and the claim credit will not be processed until we have received confirmation on the return of the item and credit from the distributor. This is not negotiable.
  1. Agent MUST confirm if the item was refused, needs to be picked up or installed.
  1. If it was NOT installed a PR-Return Exception is required.
  1. Enter comments in the Service Request that the Claim Credit is pending confirmation of the return and/or credit of the item.
  1. Once the return is confirmed and the credit is issued, Purchasing will document the Service Request and create an SS-Claim Credit Review exception in an Open status so that Support Services can process the Claim Credit.
If there is a dispute from the customer about the 35% Return Fee and what was conveyed to them when they were provided their options, the agent will advise the customer that they will have their Supervisory pull the call to identify what transpired and they will receive a return call with the results of their findings in 48 hours. The Supervisor will enter notes of their findings in the Comments of the Service Request and alert the customer with our decision.
Click here for Equipment Replacement Script.




Item delivered – Customer changed their mind.


NO return option, NO claim credit available.

Not installed – Left at home

35% Restock Fee applies and is deducted from the buy-out amount; PR-Return Exception required to have item picked up.

Customer refuses delivery – Due to modifications needed, color, or size restrictions, etc.

Not installed – Delivery Company puts back on truck to return.

35% Restock Fee applies and is deducted from the buy-out amount; PR-Return Exception required to obtain credit.

Customer refuses delivery – Cinch or Distributor ordering error.

Not installed – Delivery Company puts back on truck to return.

Verification required first. If determined to be a Cinch or Distributor error, then no Restock Fee will be deducted from the buy-out amount; Correct item can be re-ordered if desired; PR-Return Exception required to obtain credit.

Customer refuses delivery – Item delivered damaged

Not installed – Delivery Company puts back on truck to return.

No Restock Fee will be deducted from buy-out amount; Correct item can be re-ordered if desired; PR-Return Exception required to obtain credit.

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