Entering Notes- TIMX

Entering Notes- TIMX

Entering Notes

Notes are entered to document every contact with a customer or any other party.  In TIMX SCM, the Communication History Log is used to record notes and related procedural dispositions, and to review historical notes.


To review historical Notes, click in the Communication Source field on each line appearing in the Communication History Log.  If there are more notes than will display on the screen, use the scroll bar to access them.  

    1. Click the Menu Options icon on the TIMX SCM toolbar and select the Comm Hist Log button.

  1. The Communication History Log screen displays.
  2. Across the top of the screen, fields are automatically populated with the customer's name, the contract number, who created the note (your system username, another employee's system username or TIMX if system generated), and the date created.


     2. Click the Add icon on the TIMX SCM toolbar.


    3. On the first available line in the bottom section of the screen, click on the down arrow in the Communication Source column to open the list of communication sources.  The Communication Source defines who contacted us regarding the contract.

  1. Select the appropriate communication source from the list and click the OK button.


     4. Click on the down arrow in the Communication Object column to open the list of communication objects.

  1. Select the appropriate communication source from the list and click the OK button.


    5. Click on the down arrow in the Communication Type column to open the list of communication types.

  1. Select the appropriate communication source from the list and click the OK button.
If a non-sales call or a call not related to saves, cancellations or enrollment was received in the Retention Department from Customer Service or another internal department, use the Retention Customer Service communication type when adding notes to the customer record.  This communication type requires that a disposition code is entered into a field that appears at the bottom of the Communication History Log screen.

     6.Click on the down arrow in the Communication Method column to open the list of communication methods.
  1. Select the appropriate communication source from the list and click the OK button.


     7. Enter free form notes in the Comments field.

     8. Click the Save icon on the TIMX SCM toolbar to save the note.


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