Dropped Calls & Unresponsive Customers

Dropped Calls & Unresponsive Customers

From time to time agents may experience situations where the call with the customer disconnects unexpectedly or situations where upon answering the call there is no response from the customer. 

To continue with our effort to deliver the best possible customer experience, agents should follow these guidelines to handle these specific situations. 

Call Drop Scenario

If a call drops/disconnects unexpectedly we MUST call the customer back on all phone numbers listed on the account. 
Ensure to notify your supervisor or leadership team anytime a call drops.
View the Recording Disclosure & Outbound Calls article for scripting in these scenarios.

Unresponsive Customer/Line Scenario

Sometimes agents will receive a call where there is no one on the line or the customer is not responding. 
Ensure to notify your supervisor or leadership team anytime a call drops.
  1. If call comes in but no one responds to the greeting"
    1. ask "Customer are you there?"
    2. Repeat 3 times waiting 20 seconds in between
  2. If the customer answers:
    1. Follow normal call opening scripting. 
  3. If the customer does NOT answer:
    1. “Customer if you are on the line I am not able to hear you and we may have an issue with our connection, I apologize for this inconvenience, please call us back so that we may assist you. Thank you.”

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