Dispatch Case Management

Dispatch Case Management

Dispatch Case Management Tasks are automatically created in Zoho when a job is assigned to Dispatch. These are jobs that are Rejected, Expired, or assigned to Procure Vendor.
Tasks will be assigned to each member of the team and can be viewed under My Open Tasks in the Zoho Activities Tab, and are also located under Activities inside the related Service Request Case.

If no Service Provider has been assigned in 24 hours, then attempt to assign an SP. Utilize Service Locator in SB and search both On Site Repair and Carry-Into Service Provider selections.
Travel Fees may be approved up to $150, above that amount reach out to leadership for approval. 

Work each Job until completion, ensuring both the Job and Task are marked as Completed once resolved.

If a member of the Medical Emergency Team is assigned to the job under the Service Administrator field in SB, then complete your task.
If the job severity updates to Medical Emergency while working your task, advise the customer a member of the Medical Emergency team will contact them to assist with their request, and complete your task.

Open, Edit, and Complete Assigned Tasks

  1. Click the Zoho Activities Tab.
  2. Click on Tasks.
  3. Click My Open Tasks.
  4. Hover over the Task and click Edit (pencil icon).
    1. On the Edit Task form complete the Required Fields:
      1. Subject: Dispatch Case Management - Job# - Item
      2. Task Type: Select Dispatch Case Management
      3. Trade: Select the correct Trade
      4. Product Line: Select the correct Item
      5. SBExceptionID: Paste the Job Number
      6. Contract Number: Paste the Contract Number
      7. Status Reason Code: Select the appropriate status - What is Pending?
  5. Click Save.
  6. Update Task Status throughout the Job Cycle, Change the Status each time you follow up on the Job.
    1. Under My Open Tasks, Click the Task to Open it.
      1. Select the Appropriate Status from the drop-down.
        1. In Progress
        2. In Progress 2
        3. Follow Up
        4. Follow Up 2
  7. Set Due Dates and Reminders to follow up.
    1. Click the Due Date Calendar.
      1. Select the correct Month, Day, Time, and click Set.
    2. Click the Set Reminder Button.
      1. Select the amount of Minutes or Hours prior to the Due Date you would like the reminder.
      2. Check the Email box.
  8. Job is Complete, next Complete the Task.
    1. Open the task.
    2. Click the  Mark As Complete  button at the bottom of the task.
    3. In the Details Required pop-up, Click in the Resolution Reason field.
      1. Select the correct Resolution Reason.
      1. Remove None by clicking the (X).
    4. Click Save.
The Task status is now Completed and the task is removed from the My Open Tasks view.

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