Deductible Payments: Secure Card Capture

Deductible Payments: Secure Card Capture

To ensure PCI compliance, Cinch must securely collect customer payment information.
Options will include using a Card on File (COF) or sending a secure card capture link to a customer so they can manually enter their card details.
These options eliminate the ability for an agent to manually enter payment details.

Utilize available options in the following order:
  1. Payment using Card On File (COF)
  2. Secure Card Capture Link by Text or Email - Used real time while on the call, the customer cannot use this link to enter card information at a later time
  3. Direct Customer to MyAccount (ACTIVE Contracts Only with a valid Email Address on file)
  4. Last Resort - Transfer to a Secure Agent Group *Hours of Operation: 8am - 10pm Mon-Fri* If outside these hours review with a supervisor.

MyAccount URLS: (Non-Sears Customers) (Sears Customers)

Zoho - Scripting

Card on File

“[caller name] I see you have a card on file, with the last 4 numbers of [XXXX].
May I use that to process your payment?”

Card on File OR Card entered by Link
Does Not Match Caller

“I see we have a card on file for <Card Holder Name>, are they available to come to the phone and authorize the deductible payment?”

"I see the card entered is for <Card Holder Name> are they available to come to the phone and authorize the deductible payment."

"We must speak with the cardholder to process a payment."

Card Capture Link
(Not using card on file)

“[caller name] for your protection, I am unable to take card information over the phone and will be sending a secure payment link via text to capture your payment information. 
May I send to the cell number ending in {xxxx} ?"

"For your security, please do not read the card details out loud."

 If text not received within 30 seconds offer Email Link option.
"I can also send a link via Email, may I send to email {@xxxx} now?"

If email sent, advise customer to click on the Update Payment Information Link inside the email.
Email comes from

Customer Accepts Link

“I will stay here on the line with you while you enter your card details. For your security, please do not read the card details out loud.

Customer Driving:
Direct to MyAccount

“For your protection I would need to send you a secure payment link via text or email.

I understand you are driving, would you like to go to MyAccount and process your request at a later time?”

Customer unable to enter card details

“[caller name] you were unable to successfully enter a payment method using our secure link and for your protection I can not take payment information over the phone.

Please go to MY ACCOUNT, our self-service portal, to update your request.”

All efforts fail: Transfer to Secure Agent

For your protection, I can transfer you to a secure department who will enter your payment information and further assist you.

Do you have any questions for me before I bring the next agent on the line?" 

"May I place you on hold while I reach out to our secure department?"

Intro to Secure Agent

“Hi this is [name] from [department]. I have [customer name] requesting a job for [trade, item, brand, problem]. The Zoho case # is [#].”

NOTE: If SP located via extended zip or service locator provide the SP information including their account number so they may be force assigned.

If customer accepted an appointment date for Sears, GE, or Whirlpool relay that information in hopes the same appointment may be selected. 

“Hi this is [name] from [department]. I have [customer name] needing to pay their replacement deductible for the [item]. The Zoho case # is [#].”

Zoho Documentation Examples

Depending on the payment collection option used, notate accordingly:
  1.  Indicate Payment Method Used: COF, Secure Text Link or Secure Email Link
  2.  If Applicable: Link unsuccessful, not accepted, directed to MyAccount
  3. Transferred to Secure Agent: include <Agent’s Name>
If unable to initiate service, notate the ServiceBench CEC Notepad.

Zoho Secure Card Capture

When collecting a deductible during service initiation OR collecting a replacement deductible follow this process:

  1.  Select Pay with Card and click Submit to open the new Card Capture UI in Zoho.

  2.  If able to use the Card On File, Check the Box under available card on file to select, Card Details will populate on the left, click the link and read the appropriate payment collection script, click Submit to process the payment.

    NOTE: We must click the link and read either the General Payment Collection script or P3 Appliance Multi-item(if applicable) verbatim to the customer prior to processing a payment. The system will attempt to fill in the customer specific information, if unable to or if caller name is different, fill in accordingly. 
    General Payment Collection Script:
    Note: Customer Name, Product/Warranty Plan (Example: Sears, Cinch, etc.), Date, and Amount will be system generated. 

  3.  If unable to use Card on File, send the Secure Card Capture Link by Mobile or Email edit fields if needed and click Send Link.
    Stay on the line with the caller and click Refresh or Auto Refresh for Zoho to update the card details once captured. 

    If Text not received within 30 seconds move on to sending link via Email.
    If sending Email link advise the customer to select the "Update Payment Information" Link within the email. 

  4.  Once the caller successfully enters their card details the details will populate to the left, click the link and read the appropriate payment collection script and click Submit to process the payment. 

  5.  Once payment processes you will receive a Payment Status pop-up, click OK, then click Confirm Appointment to submit the service request.
    If collecting a Replacement Deductible, click OK to return to the service request. 

  6. If unable to use Card On File, Secure Card Capture Link, Error received to initiate in SB and unable to initiate in SB, and the customer does not want to go to MyAccount, then follow the Transfer to a Secure Agent process.

  7. If an issue occurs (customer enters wrong card info, does not want to move forward, etc..) or you need to send a new link after card capture, then click Cancel and Proceed to return to the previous deductible screen. 

Transfer to Secure Agent: Avaya

If unable to use available secure payment options and require a transfer to a Secure Agent, advise caller of the following:

“For your protection, I can transfer you to a secure department who will enter your payment information and further assist you.
May I place you on hold while I advise the next representative?”
Properly close your call prior to initiating the transfer. Escalations Representatives: Make sure to advise your customer of your direct contact information (if applicable) in the event they need to follow up with you directly.

Extension - Deductible Secure Agent Group:

Deductible Secure Group


*Hours of Operation: 8am - 10pm Mon-Fri* If outside these hours review with a supervisor.
  1. With your customer on the line, after agreeing to the transfer, click Transfer on Avaya, enter the Extension, and hit Enter on your keyboard or click Transfer.

  2.  When a Secure Agent answers the call:
    1. Introduce yourself and advise which department you are calling from
    2. Provide all details needed to pull up the account and further assist the customer, including the Zoho Case # just created if applicable
    3. Ensure the agent is ready for the customer prior to completing the Transfer
      Click Transfer on the additional line to bring the customer and secure agent together, and disconnect you from the call

ServiceBench Card Capture

If service initiation in ServiceBench is required (Zoho error received, etc.), the Secure Card Capture process will remain the same with the addition of an Agent ID field.

If your Username (i.e. schapman) does not prepopulate, manually enter your username and click the check mark prior to utilizing Card on File or sending the Card Capture Link.

Customer Unable or Unwilling to Pay

Deductible Payments are required to initiate service and in some cases to move forward with a replacement.
Use the below scripts and actions for guidance on handling deductible payment collection issues that may arise.



Customer doesn’t understand why we are collecting a payment.

“We’ve changed our claim process for added security and faster processing.

In order to secure your service appointment, I will be collecting a Deductible in the amount of <Amount>.

The amount you pay today will be applied to the deductible due for the service request.

The Deductible is non-refundable, as it applies to the cost of the service request.”

Make every attempt to collect payment from the customer. If the customer is still refusing to pay and will not get off the line, then involve a Supervisor for assistance.

Customer has security concerns with providing payment information over the phone.

Agents should reassure the customer that any payment information collected will only be used to process the deductible charge.

We utilize our secure payment options of using a Card on File, a secure Card Capture Link, the customer may use MyAccount, OR we may transfer to a Secure Agent Group to obtain payment information if needed. 

Customer does not have info handy.

Customer attempts to use a card belonging to someone else.

Customer does not possess a card and can only pay with cash or check.

“I apologize for any inconvenience; however, payment is required to initiate a service request. Once you have a credit or debit card available, you can place your request through My Account.”

Provide the appropriate URL based on the customer’s warranty type:

  1. Sears Home Warranty:
  2. All Other:

Customer’s card is declined.

Ensure it is a valid form of payment. Valid forms of payment are:

  1. Visa, Master Card, Discover, American Express

Ensure the information was entered accurately:

  1. Full name on card including spelling
  2. Last 4 digits of card displayed
  3. Billing Address

If still unable to process payment with the card on file or provided through the card capture link, ask if the customer has a different card available to use.

  1. If yes:  Utilize the Card Capture Link process again
  2. If no:  Direct the customer to My Account to place the request when another payment method is available.

Medical Emergency AND Customer is unable to pay.

Examples: No funds available, card declined, cash or check only.

Agents should make every attempt to collect payment from the customer prior to involving a supervisor.

If unable to collect payment, review with a supervisor for guidance.

If the customer is still refusing to pay and will not get off the line, involve a Supervisor for assistance. 
The supervisor is empowered to decide if Waiving the deductible or selecting SP will collect are viable options.

Deductible Reminders

  1. Payment is required to initiate a service request.
  2. Payment Confirmation Receipts are emailed automatically if we have a valid email address on file for the customer.
  3. Cinch P3 contracts may require a deductible payment for each Appliance in a multi-item service request - Read the P3 Appliance Multi-item specific payment collection script. 
  4. Agents can see if a payment was collected from the Payments Tab on the Service Request in Zoho, or on the Service Order in ServiceBench.
  5. If a customer states they made a payment through the IVR, agents can confirm if the payment processed in TIMX SCM.
  6. Deductible Waive Reasons:
    1. Customer Concession
      1. You Must obtain Supervisor Approval, Document the Supervisor Name who gave permission, and the reason this is selected. 
      2. Using incorrectly will result in a QA alert.
    2. SP Will Collect
      1. You Must obtain Supervisor ApprovalDocument the Supervisor Name who gave permission, and the reason this is selected. 
      2. Only to be used as a last resort and we must utilize all options and scripting with the customer before reaching out for supervisor approval. 
    3. Customer Already Paid
      1. Only to be used if customer advises they already paid and you have verified payment in TIMX SCM. Must be documented in your notes.
      2. Not to be used for multi-item or recall jobs. 

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