Deceased Customer: Cancellation/Name Change Process for ALL Contracts

Deceased Customer: Cancellation/Name Change Process for ALL Contracts

If a customer has a contract/warranty in their name and we are notified they are deceased, we are NO LONGER required to receive a copy of the death certificate or formal written request to proceed with cancellation or name change.

Prior to proceeding with the request, it is important to share our condolences:
"<Caller Name>, we're sorry to hear about <Customer Name> passing and will be able to assist you with updating the account."

IF a Customer Service Agent receives the call, 
THEN follow the existing warm transfer process to Cinch Real Estate (HMS) or Retention based on the account type.

TS&R Agent Process

Follow these guidelines when assisting  with updating the account of a deceased customer.
  1. Ask the caller to verify the following information:
    1. Caller's relationship to the deceased contract holder
    2. Contract holder name
    3. Physical address
    4. Phone number associated with the account
  2. Remove the deceased customer's name, add the caller's name as an authorized user, and/or process the cancellation using the existing procedures.
  3. If the caller is keeping the plan active take the following steps:
    1. View the payment tab to confirm the payment method is in the caller's name.
    2. If the payment method is in the deceased customer's name, request a payment method in the caller's name.
      Example Script: "I see that the current payment mehod on file belongs to [deceased name]. Can you provide us with a payment method in your name?"
    3. If it is a shared card, update the name in TIMX to reflect only the caller's name.
  4. Include the following in your documentation:
    1. Caller's name
    2. Caller's relationship to the deceased contract holder
    3. "Deceased customer cancellation for <Deceased Customer Name>"
    4. Action taken to assist the caller. Example: UPDATED PYMT METHOD ON FILE
  5. Thank the caller for providing the update and close call.

Caller is Unable to Verify the Account

IF the caller is unable to provide verification data,
THEN follow the steps outlined below.

If the caller is unable to verify the customer's account:
  1. Advise caller of the information needed to verify the account.
  2. Advise caller of the appropriate call back number to TS&R and once verification information is confirmed, the customer can call back to update.
  3. Advise the customer of the option to update via written mail correspondence. The following information is required for documentation purposes:
    1. Name and relationship to the deceased customer
    2. Caller's contact information
      1. Phone number and mailing address
    3. Customer's account information
      1. Contract number
      2. Full property address
  4. Provide mailing address/email address to send correspondence.
    1. Email:
    2. Mailing Address:
      PO Box 810275
      Boca Raton, FL 33481-0275

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