Customer Damage Claim Script

Customer Damage Claim Script

Use the below scripts for Customer Damage Claims:



3rd Party SP:

“<Customer Name>, I’m sorry you have experienced damage to your <Item>, but I’m happy to assist you in processing this inquiry.

The Service Professionals in our network are independent contractors. They are also licensed and insured and are responsible for any damage that may occur as a result of their workmanship.

What I can do is contact the Service Professional to notify them of the problem you have reported so that they can have the opportunity to address it with you directly. May I place you on a brief hold while I contact them for you.”

Sears Tech:

"<Customer Name>, I am sorry to hear you had this experience, let me get you in contact with the Incident Reporting Center to help with your damage claim."

Sears Technician - Property Damage

Service Professional

Use the Outbound Script to open the call.

“I’m calling in regards to <Customer Name><Service Order Number, Property Address, Phone Number, etc. for reference> who is reporting that they have sustained damage to their property <Describe reported damage>, and they are of the opinion that the damage was caused as a result of the work performed by your technician during the service visit.”

Allow the representative from the Service Professional to respond and provide their understanding of what may have occurred. Encourage them to contact the customer directly to address their concerns. If the Service Professional does not wish to do so, advise them in a non-threatening manner:

“I certainly understand your position, and I also need to advise you that it is possible during this damage claim process that your insurance information will be shared with the customer.”

Document in the Service Job Comments what was advised to the Service Professional, the name of the person you spoke with, and their response if any.

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