Customer and Service Provider Conference: Reassignment

Customer and Service Provider Conference: Reassignment

During a Reassignment, when calling out to a provider from Extended Zip/Service Locator or calling for an Emergency/Medical Emergency service request we must attempt to Conference the Customer with the Service Provider to schedule and capture the Confirmed Appointment.

SP Local Time frame for outbound calls: 9am - 6pm
To check the local time you can use Google or any search engine and search "[SP's zip code] local time"

If outside the allowed time frame to contact a service provider, assign the job to procure vendor and include in your notes:
"Local time for providers is outside permitted calling time, sent to dispatch" 
If the customer has an urgent situation, review with a supervisor to see what options may be available. (Emergency line for providers, APO, etc.)
InfoIf a service provider requests a Travel Fee, review with a supervisor and notate the amount approved on the job


  1. Contact the provider using the normal process and ask for their availability to service the Item in the customer’s Area.
    IF they are available to service in an acceptable timeframe based on the item and severity,
    THEN ask the provider if you may conference the customer in to schedule their appointment.
  2. Return to the customer and advise them of the appointment availability and give them the Service Provider’s information.
  3. Ensure the customer has no further questions and ask if you may conference them with the provider to schedule the appointment. 

Suggested Call Flow

Outbound Call to SP:
“Hi this is [agent name] I’m calling with Cinch on a recorded line which may be monitored to improve quality. May I get your name? I have a customer located in [City and Zip Code] for a [Item needing service, and failure], would you be able to service this request?”

If No:
Document the reason given and move on to the next SP if one is listed.
If Yes:
“When is your soonest available appointment?”

If Acceptable Timeframe:
Advise SP:
“I will be assigning your company to the job for [Customer Name], may I conference the customer in to schedule the appointment with you?”

If No:
“When will you be able to reach out to the customer to schedule? Thank you for partnering with Cinch!”
Advise the customer of the timeframe given to expect a response from the SP and notate on the job.

If Yes:
Place the SP on hold and Return to the Customer.
Advise Customer:
“Thank you for holding, I have located a Service Provider I can give you their name and number when you’re ready… [Provide SP info].
They have an available appointment for [Advise of available appt], May I conference you in with them to schedule your visit?”

If Yes:
“Do you have any other questions for me before I conference you in with the Service Provider? Thank you for calling Customer Service (Brand Sears Appropriately), May I place you on hold so I may conference you now?”

If Customer agrees to Conference: Perform the conference.

If Customer Unable to Conference: 
"[Customer Name] You will receive an email with your service provider information, and they will reach out to you to schedule the appointment.”

Advise the SP:
"The customer was unable to conference at this time, please reach out to them to schedule the appointment.”

If Appointment Captured, update the appointment in SB, Update the Sub-Status to Confirmed Appointment, and Notate Conference and Appointment Details.

Notate the job with all pertinent information accordingly. 

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