CTI & Verification Guidelines: Membership Services

CTI & Verification Guidelines: Membership Services

CTI technology provides screen pops when a call is received through the IVR system. This will help associates to save time and AHT when retrieving customer accounts. 

When a call is received, there will be a popup box on your screen that provides information about the caller's status and why their call has been directed to you.

The IVR locates customers by their primary number or contract number and provides the property address to the customer to confirm if correct.

The IVR Verification Process

  1. IVR automatically recognizes the customer's record by the primary phone number being used to call in and asks the caller to verify the address.
  2. If the address is incorrect, the IVR will attempt to locate the customer’s contract information by asking the customer for their contract number or phone number.
  3. When the record is located, the IVR verifies the address again.
  4. If the record is not located or the address cannot be verified the customer is transferred to an agent for further assistance.

Logging into CTI & Enabling Pop-Ups

  1. Each time you log into your phone to begin taking calls, you must go to the website https://cti.cchs.com using Google Chrome and log in to the Call Monitor tool.
    1. Your username and password are the same as your Windows password.
  2. After logging in, the Call Monitor Screen will open.
  3. Enter your physical Station ID which can be found at the top of your Avaya phone. The number usually begins with “2”, “4” or “5” (this is not your personal extension that you use to log into your phone).
  4. Click the “Connect” button and keep the browser tab open during your shift.
    For CTI to work properly, you must enable CTI pop-ups for Chrome:
  5. Go to your settings in Chrome by selecting the 3 vertical dots in the right-hand corner.
  6. Select Privacy and Security.
  7. Select Site Settings (near the bottom).
  8. Scroll down to Content and select Pop-ups and redirects.
  9. Check to ensure Default Behavior is set at Sites can send pop-ups and use redirects.
  10. Scroll down to Allowed to send pop-ups and use redirects and select Add.
  11. Paste https://cti.cchs.com into the Add a site box. 
     5. At the end of your shift, select the green “Disconnect” button.
This is a QA procedural requirement. If you are not able to log in or CTI is not working properly, notify your supervisor to have a JIRA submitted for you.

Incoming Calls

When a call is received, the customer’s screen will pop up, providing key information that is already available.

There will be a wide range of customer information available on the screen. The areas you should focus on are:


This is the client or branding that the caller’s contract is associated with. You should follow any branding protocols.

Call Flow

This is how/why the caller came out of the IVR to get to a live agent.

Recent Calls

Number of recent calls received from the customer in the last week.

Contract Status

Identifies whether the contract is Active, Pending Cancel, Cancelled, etc.

Effective Date

Effective date of the contract.


Date the contract will be renewed.

Customer Since

Identifies how long the customer has had an account open.

Property Address

This is the address on record in the account.

Primary Phone

This is the home phone number listed in the account. If this is missing, attempt to capture this information.

Calling Number

This is the phone number that the caller used to call us.

If CTI does not return any results about the caller, it will display "No Caller Identified" and most of the fields will be blank except for the phone number the caller is calling from.

CTI Verification Guidelines

Below are the guidelines for using CTI to authenticate and verify the caller.
Only authorized users can make material changes. The street address and zip code must be verified for all material changes.
Material Changes: Any change or decision that modifies or manages the warranty status, including but not limited to, billing updates or modifications, contact information, saves, cancellations, renewals, and reinstatements.

Unauthorized Users: General coverage and billing information can be provided to unauthorized users.  Examples: account status (active, inactive), billing status (current, not current), and coverage information. Agents CANNOT discuss specific billing details such as payment methods, costs, or billing issues.

CTI Populates

Copy the contract number into TIMX SCM to locate the customer's warranty.



Step 1:

Identify who you are speaking with.

“Thank you for calling Membership Services, this is <Agent Name>, may I have your first and last name please?”

Authorized User: Proceed to next step.

Unauthorized User: Skip to step 4.

Step 2:

Confirm the property address is accurate and up to date.

“We have your street address as <address> and your zip code as <zip code>, is this correct?”

Step 3:

Confirm the contact information is up to date. Try to capture any missing contact information.

  1. Privacy Guideline: Agents CANNOT provide the entire email address to the caller; they can provide the first few characters if necessary.

“We have a phone number ending in <last 4 digits> and does your email still start with <first 4 characters>?”

Step 4:

Identify the reason for the call.

“How may I assist you today?”

CTI Does Not Populate



Step 1:

Confirm who you are speaking to (authorized or unauthorized user).

“Thank you for calling Membership Services, this is <Agent Name>, may I have your first and last name please?”

Step 2:

Ask for the street address and zip code.

“Can you please provide your street address and zip code?”

Authorized User: Proceed to next step.

Unauthorized User: Skip to step 4.

Step 3:

Confirm the contact information is up to date. Try to capture any missing contact information.

  1. Determine why CTI did not identify the caller by updating or capturing missing information as needed while following privacy guidelines.

“The number you are calling from is not listed on the account. Would you like to update your phone number? We have an email on file starting with <first 4 characters>, is this still current?”

Step 4:

Identify the reason for the call.

“How may I assist you today?”

Transfer Call Handling

Receiving a call that you do not handle.

  1. Retrieve the customer's account details.
  2. Review the account for potential membership services activities that you perform (e.g., pending cancelation, coverage changes, missing contact information).
  3. IF no membership task is required, ask the closing question.
  4. IF there are no further questions, brand the call and Set Expectations for the cold transfer.
Agents do not have to document the account UNLESS they assist with membership questions or activities (general coverage or billing questions, make an update, etc.).

Receiving a call that you handled and completed but requires transfer to another department:

Attempt to warm transfer the customer (unless otherwise stated for operational needs). 
  1. IF the warm transfer is successful, provide the customer's account information to the associate. 
  2. Advise the associate of what you have verified (e.g., address, email, phone number). 
  3. IF the Hold Times don't allow for a warm transfer, advise the customer that you will cold transfer, and the next available representative will assist them.

Receiving a warm transfer 

  1. Ask the transferring associate for the customer's contact information, to bring up the account. 
  2. Ask the associate what verification has been completed. Complete any outstanding verification as needed.
  3. Do Not re-verify information already verified by the previous agent.
  4. Introduce yourself and recap your understanding of the caller’s needs. 
    1. Ex: “Again, I am Jane Doe with Membership Services…. from my understanding, you are requesting to….”

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