CTI Procedures & Scripting: Authorizations

CTI Procedures & Scripting: Authorizations

This article provides an overview of CTI procedures and scripting used by Authorizations Agents. Included in this article are instructions for activating the CTI screen pop feature, the Service Professional’s information that appears when a call is received, and suggested scripting based on the information provided in the IVR from the Service Professional.


  1. IVR (Interactive Voice Response) is a technology that can read a combination of touch tone and voice input through the phone. It gives callers the ability to access a database of information via phone.
  2. CTI (Computer Telephony Integration) is a technology that uses data from the IVR to interact with a computer. We will primarily employ the use of a CTI Screen Pop to present information from the IVR to the agent taking the call. 


  1. All On-Phone Authorizers are REQUIRED to use CTI on every call. If it is not working, you MUST notify your Supervisor. Make sure you are logged in!
  2. The CTI Screen Pop will display the Service Professional’s name for all calls identified through the SP IVR.
  3. The Service Professional will confirm who they are, what job they’re working on, and what customer it is for through the IVR. This allows us to leverage that information to reduce AHT. If only partial information is provided, use the verification statements for what is available and ask for the missing information.
  4. It is REQUIRED to update the Service Provider Sentiment and Call Reason on each call.

Activate & Deactivate CTI Screen Pop

Each time the agent logs into their phone to take calls, they must go the website and log into the Call Monitor tool. This connects their phone to the computer screen. If unable to log in, a supervisor MUST be notified.
This will be a QA procedural requirement.
  1. In Google Chrome, navigate to https://cti.cchs.com/login. 
  2. Enter Username and Password (Same as Windows and Amazon Workspaces).

  3. In the Extension Box enter your Avaya Station ID.

  4. Click Connect.

  5. At the end of your shift, return to the Call Monitor screen and click Disconnect.

Using CTI Screen Pop

  1. The CTI Screen Pop contains all of the information verified by the Service Professional through the IVR.

  2. Most of the calls received will have the Service Professional’s Name and Account Number. The Account Number can be copied by clicking once with the left mouse button.
  3. Roughly 30% of all inbound calls will be either Non-IVR calls or No Caller Identified calls. Non-IVR calls are primarily internal transfers, while No Caller Identified calls came through the IVR but we were unable to identify the caller automatically or with their input.
  4. Less than 10% of calls will contain all of the information related to the Service Job. When this occurs, the job will automatically display in your active ServiceBench window.
  5. Service Jobs that have aged 10 days or more will display an alert at the top of the CTI Screen Pop.

CTI Screen Pop Definitions




The heading of the CTI Screen Pop contains the Service Professional Name, Company Number, and Icons.

How the caller was identified in the IVR:

 : Service Professional Account Number

 : Service Professional Phone Number

If this icon is also displayed, it indicates the customer’s Service Job has been identified as Medical/High Risk. Follow the Medical Emergency Procedure.

Identifies customers coded as VIP’s.

Service Job

Will contain the unique Service Job ID and the Product being serviced.

Customer Name

The of the customer listed on the contract.

Property Address

The address on record in the account.

Call Flow

This is how/why the caller came out of the IVR to get to a live agent. It is a 2-part message: “Error/Reason” at “Location/What the caller was doing when transferred.”


The client or branding that the caller’s contract is associated with. Always follow any brand protocols.

Contract Status

Status of the contract whether Active, Pending Cancel, Cancelled, etc.

Effective Date

Effective Date of the contract.

Renewal Date

Date contract can be renewed.

Customer Since

How long the customer has had an account open.

Job Status

Status of the Service Job

Service Job Age

Number of days since the Service Job was created.

Recent Calls

Number of calls received by the Service Professional in the last 7 days.

Service Provider Sentiment

At the bottom of the CTI Screen Pop, there is a Slide Bar. Slide the green box left or right to capture the sentiment of the call. This is a required action step.
  1. Record how you believe the Service Professional felt about the call.
  2. Be honest. The rating does not affect you or your role.

Capture Reason

At the end of the call, capture the reason the caller contacted Authorizations. The Call Reason drop-down selection is required to be updated prior to pressing the Submit button on the CTI Screen Pop. This is used to identify the reason the Service Professional is calling in which will be used to help us improve our call routing in the future.

Call Reason

When to Select

Check Coverage

Use when the Service Professional has called only to verify coverage for the customer’s product and/or failure.

Additional Diagnosis or Travel Only

Use when the Service Professional has called only to obtain approval for additional diagnostic charges or travel fees.


Used for appliance Service Jobs assigned to Sears.


Used for HVAC Service Jobs assigned to Sears.


Used when the Service Professional has called to submit the Service Report, obtain Pre-Authorization, or submit a Claim for work completed.

Pre-Authorization Under $300

Used when the Service Professional has called to submit the Service Report, obtain Pre-Authorization, or submit a Claim for work completed, and the total Cinch Liability is under $300.

Request Cinch Parts

Used when the Service Professional has called to request Cinch supply parts for a Service Job.

SP Follow Up

Used when the Service Professional has called to obtain an update on the status of a Service Job.

SP Request Reassignment

Used when the Service Professional has called to request the Service Job be reassigned for any reason.

Internal Call

Used when a Cinch Agent has called Authorizations for assistance.

Owner Company

Used for all Service Jobs assigned to APO.

BPO Call

Used when a BPO Agent has called Authorizations for assistance.


Used for any reason not identified in the list above, to be used only in rare circumstances.

New Service Job Search Methods

When the Service Professional displays in the Screen Pop:

  1. On the CTI Screen Pop, copy the Service Professional’s Account Number by clicking it once.

  2. On the Search Service Orders and Jobs screen, select the magnifying glass icon to the right of the Service Provider field.

  3. Paste the Account Number in the Account Number field, then select Search.

  4. Select the check icon on the left of the Service Professional’s information.

  5. The Service Professional’s information will populate in the Service Provider field.
  6. Type the Customer’s Phone Number in the Phone Number field, then select Search. This will return only the Service Jobs assigned to this Service Professional for this Customer.

When the Screen Pop displays Non-IVR or No Caller Identified:

  1. In Search Service Orders and Jobs, under Basic Criteria, enter the Customer’s Phone Number. In Advanced Criteria, select the product the Service Professional is servicing and select Search.

  2. This will return all Service Jobs for this customer on the selected product. Identify the correct job by name of the Service Professional. Filter results by double clicking on the Service Job Date.

When a Sears Technician is calling in:

  1. Type the Service Order Number provided by the Sears Technician in the External Service Order Number field, then select Search.

  2. This will return the specific Service Job or Jobs (if assigned) associated with the Service Order.

Greeting and Verification Process

Only Service Professional Confirmed:

If the IVR is able to identify the Service Professional, but the caller does not confirm the Service Job or Customer Information, the CTI Screen Pop will display the Service Professional Name and Account Number in the header.
  1. This will occur in roughly 60% of calls.

Suggested Scripting

Greeting & SP Verification

“Thank you for calling Authorizations, my name is <Agent Name>. Who from <Service Professional Name> do I have the pleasure of speaking with today?”

Customer Verification

“Thank you <Caller Name>. May I have the customer’s phone number for the Service Job you’re calling in reference to?”

Service Job Verification

“Is this for the Service Job ending in <last 4 digits of the Service Job and the dash number>?”

After Service Job is confirmed:

“For <Customer Name> at <Customer Street Number, Name, and Unit>, correct?”

Once confirmed, open the Service Job, and proceed to verify the Product.

Jobs Assigned to Sears:

Sears Technicians will not display as Sears in the CTI Screen Pop, they will display as either Non-IVR Call or No Caller Identified.

Suggested Scripting

Greeting & SP Verification

“Thank you for calling Authorizations, my name is <Agent Name>. May I have your first name and the company you are with please?"

Customer Verification

“Thank you <Caller Name>. May I have the Service Order Number you’re calling in reference to?”

Service Job Verification

After Service Job is confirmed:

“For <Customer Name> at <Customer Street Number, Name, and Unit>, correct?”

Once confirmed, open the Service Job, and proceed to verify the Product.

No Caller Identified or Non-IVR Call:

Suggested Scripting

Greeting & SP Verification

“Thank you for calling Authorizations, my name is <Agent Name>. May I have your first name and the company you are with please?”

Customer Verification

“Thank you <Caller Name>. May I have the customer’s phone number for the Service Job you’re calling in reference to?”

“What product are you working on today?”

Service Job Verification

“Is this for the Service Job ending in <last 4 digits of the Service Job and the dash number>?”

After Service Job is confirmed:

“For <Customer Name> at <Customer Street Number, Name, and Unit>, correct?”

All Information Populated:

When the Service Professional confirms all of the Service Job information in the IVR, it will display in the CTI Screen Pop. When this occurs, the Service Job will automatically display in ServiceBench.
  1. This will occur in roughly 10% of calls.

Suggested Scripting

Greeting & SP Verification

“Thank you for calling Authorizations, my name is <Agent Name>. Who from <Service Professional Name> do I have the pleasure of speaking with today?”

Customer Verification

“Thank you <Caller Name>. You’re calling for <Customer Name> at <Customer Street Number, Name, and Unit> correct?”

Service Job Verification

“This is for Service Job ending in <last 4 digits of the Service Job and the dash number> on a <Product> correct?


What if I forgot to log in?
  1. You will not receive the CTI Screen Pops or benefit from the AHT savings. As soon as you realize that you forgot, log into the Call Monitor tool so all future calls and records will be captured.
Who do I contact for issues with my screen pop?
  1. If the URL does not come up, there is a CTI Screen Pop error or your login does not work, contact your supervisor in order for a JIRA ticket to be created.
What if the Service Professional doesn’t have the customer’s phone number?
  1. Use whatever information the Service Professional has available to identify and confirm the Service Job.

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