Communication History Log

Communication History Log

The Communication History Log is used to document the customer's account and view previously entered notes. Notes are manually entered by the user and/or auto-generated by the system. To review the notes, click on the Communication Method field on each line and use the scroll bar if needed.

This log is also used to credit the appropriate associate for renewals, auto-renewals, saves, credit card entries, options, additions, and enrollments. 

Documentation Guidelines

To ensure consistent and standardized notations, please follow these QA-aligned guidelines when entering notes in TIMX SCM.
They will help improve efficiency, accuracy, and clarity. 
Notes must be entered on all calls/transactions where you have engaged in membership related discussions and tasks.
The following are steps for entering and retrieving notes in the Communication History Log. to save notes, a selection must be made for each of the fields below:  


Used for

Communication Source

Displays the notes by who called in the request or initiated the documentation (e.g., customer, real estate agent, member broker, account executive)


Communication Object

Displays the notes by the name of the customer type or client the documentation is referring to (e.g., customer, real estate agent, affiliate/member broker)


Correspondence Type

Displays the way the response/correspondence is being communicated

The Correspondence Type field is NOT required before the documentation can be saved and is typically left blank


Communication Type

Displays the notes by the type of notes saved (e.g., Retention Customer Service, Saved, Warranty Canceled, General Coverage Questions, etc.)


Communication Method

Displays the notes based on how the documentation was initiated (e.g., Phone)



All notes are entered and saved here. System-generated notes are also displayed

Entering Notes and Template

The approved documentation fields are listed below and should be used for ALL membership-related interactions.  
Field names SHOULD NOT be modified or left blank. Enter ‘N/A’ for field names that do not apply to the interaction. 


Note Template 


Callers first and last name (e.g., Tom Smith) 

Reason For Call 

Summarize the reason for the call (e.g., Cancel, Billing, Renewal, Coverage Questions, Service Request, etc.) 

Reason Details 

Elaborate on the reason for the call (e.g., Home sold w/closing date ___, Received past due letter, Stoppage coverage inquiry, Update payment method, etc.) 

Action Taken 

Document actions taken to assist the caller (e.g., Offered to transfer warranty/enroll new home, h/o declined; Received call from <Agent> in claims; Advised of BOW; Auth <Name> came to line (Ok2Rec), etc.) 

Sales Details 

Document sale type, cancel, or N/A (e.g., Canceled, Saved, Non-Renewal, added PUP, add'l refrigerator, etc.) 

PYMT Details 

Document payments collected, refunds, or N/A (e.g., collected $49.99, $79.99 refund, etc.) 

Sales Scripting Completed 

Yes, No, or N/A 


Yes (if Mask used by Secure Agent to enter CC details), N/A (if Mask is not applicable) 

CC/ACH Scripting Completed 

Yes, No, or N/A 

Screen Pop 

Yes (IVR identified customer information), No (IVR did not identify the customers information 

 It is not required to include your name, initials, and/or CXone Agent ID in the Comment field, however, when a situation requires special/immediate handling that only you are working to resolve, entering your name, initials, and/or CXone Agent ID is acceptable.

More About Communication Types

The following Communication Types are utilized by both Cinch Real Estate and Retention Department:
  1. Warranty Cancelled: Customer called in to terminate service.
  2. Save: The associate's retention efforts led the customer to keep a home service plan active.
  3. Saved Up/Downsell: The customer agreed to maintain their home service plan by switching to an up/down tier plan.
  4. Contract: (RETENTION ONLY): Calls that result in a DTC or 3rd Party enrollment.

Retention Communication Types & Disposition Codes 

The most common Communication Type for 3rd Party Retention is Retention Customer Service.  This Communication Type requires a Disposition Code to be entered at the bottom of the Communication History Log screen. Refer to the table below.  


Retention Disposition Codes

When to Use

Billing/Account Update

  • General Billing Questions
  • Billing Update
  • Changing Account Information (name, address, phone number, email)
  • Payments

General Coverage Questions

  • Questions about coverage (e.g., products, deductibles, etc.)

Deductible Increase

  • Call is generated by a deductible increase

Fulfillment Request

  • Fulfillment/welcome kit requests or inquiries

Calls Generated by Letters Sent by Cinch/Client

Inquiries generated by:

  • Client communications
  • Letter received in error
  • Marketing error

Change Renewal Status/Inquiry

  • Renewals
  • Change renewal/auto renewals status

Refund Request

  • Refund requests or follow ups
  • POE (Proof of Enrollment) follow ups for refund purposes

Forward Cancel to Sup

  • Supervisor escalations

Transfer Call Internally

  • Cold/Warm transfer to an internal cinch department or associate

Unauthorized Caller

  • Caller requesting to make a material change or get detailed information but is not listed on the warranty
  • Caller cannot verify account as needed

Cinch Real Estate Communication Types & Disposition Codes

Certain Communication Types require a Disposition Code. For Commission purposes, all three fields must be filled in accurately. 
Please refer to the Cinch Real Estate Red Flag Policy for more details.
  1. In/Out Bound Flag must be changed to "I" for Inbound
  2. Renewed Flag
  3. Disposition Code selection based on the payout type

Communication Type

When to use Comm Type & Disposition Codes

Auto-Renew Accepted

  • Homeowner previously not set to automatically renew but agrees on the interaction 

Select Disposition at the bottom of the page, view examples below:

  • C/B: Call back later with credit card
  • CC: Credit card
  • CK: Will mail check or one-time payment with CC and is not saving billing method on file

Enter as a separate note for commission purposes (e.g., one note for renewal, one note when auto-renew is accepted)

Billing/Account Update

  • General billing questions
  • Payment update
  • Changing Account Info (name, address, phone #, email)
  • Payments

Calls Generated by Letters sent by Client or Cinch

Inquiries generated by

  • Client communications
  • Letter sent out in error
  • Marketing error

Deductible Increase

Call is generated by a deductible increase

Fulfillment Request

Fulfillment/welcome kit requests or inquiries

General Coverage Questions

Questions about coverage (e.g., products, deductible, etc.)

HMS Direct Enrollment

A successful sales attempt led to an enrollment

HMS Real Estate Enrollment

A Real Estate Agent or Representative calls to enroll a client or convert a SHW

Optional/Additional Item Sold

Homeowner agrees to add optional or additional coverage during a renewal or enrollment 

  • Enter as a separate note for commission purposes (e.g., one note for renewal, a note for options/additions)

POE Request:
Proof of Enrollment

Customer calls to request proof of enrollment

  Payment Plan Change

  Payment plan change (e.g., bill me to monthly payment)

Refund Request

Customer is requesting or following up on a refund request

Renewal Call

A successful sales attempt led to a renewal 

Select Disposition at the bottom of the page, view the examples below:  

  • C/B: Call back later with CC
  • CC: Credit card
  • CK: Will mail check or one-time payment with CC and is not saving billing method on file
  • CU: Customer undecided

Renewal Solicitation

Homeowner declines renewal effort

Select a Disposition at the bottom that reflects why the customer declined (e.g., CU: Customer undecided)

Transfer Call Internally

Cold/warm transfer to an internal department or associate

Warranty Canceled

Homeowner calls to cancel their warranty prior to their expiration date

Warranty Reinstated

Reinstating a warranty


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