Claim History Field Descriptions

Claim History Field Descriptions

Claim History Field Descriptions

Claim Summary for Current Contract

The Claim Summary for Current Contract area provides a quick snapshot of current year activity.


Field Name


Nbr of Claims Made


The number of claims made during the current contract year.


Nbr of Claims Paid


The number of claims paid out by Cinch during the current contract year.


$ Amt of Claims Paid


The total amount paid out by Cinch for claims during the current contract year.



Propertywise Claim History

The Propertywise Claim History area displays the number of claims made, claims paid and amount paid for each year that the contract has been active.


·       The default view is to display claims for the current warranty period, but details for other years can be viewed by clicking on one of the Contract# fields in the Propertywise Claim History section.  Each line in this section represents a different contract year.


Field Name


Contract #

Each line in this column displays the contract number.



Between the Contract # field and Nbr of Claims Made columns, there is a column where each line identifies every contract year by renewal number (0, 1, 2, 3, etc.).


Nbr of Claims Made

Each line in this column displays the number of claims made during each contract year.


Nbr of Claims Paid

Each line in this column displays the number of claims paid by Cinch during each contract year.


$ Amt of Claims Paid

Each line in this column displays the amount that Cinch paid out in claims during each contract year.



Work Assignment

The Work Assignment area displays the service request details for each claim occurring during the contract year.


·       The default view is to display claims for the current warranty period, but details for other years can be viewed by clicking on one of the Contract# fields in the Propertywise Claim History section.  Each line in this section represents a different contract year.


Field Name


Extl Rqst Nbr


Job number of the claim


SR Type


Service request type (examples: original, reassign, etc.)


Orig Dt


Original date of the service request assignment to a Service Partner


Prvd ID


Assigned Service Partner's provider ID


Svc Prvd Name


Assigned Service Partner's name


Tot Amt


Total amount of the claim


Ded Bal


Any balance due from the customer toward the deductible


Waive Ded Bal


Amount of any deductible that has been waived



The Incident area displays additional details about the finalization of the claim.


·       The default view is to display claims for the current warranty period, but details for other years can be viewed by clicking on one of the Contract# fields in the Propertywise Claim History section.  Each line in this section represents a different contract year.


Field Name


Item Code


The TIMX Claims abbreviation for the item or system serviced




The TIMX Claims full description for the item or system serviced




Service request type (examples: original, reassign, etc.)


Total Amt


The final total cost of the claim




Current status of the service request


Cust Liab


Amount that the customer owes toward the claim (non-covereds and other)

Cinch Liab


Amount that Cinch will pay toward the claim (covered amount)


Claim Credit Amount


Not used




The Details area displays details about the authorization of the claim.


·       The default view is to display claims for the current warranty period, but details for other years can be viewed by clicking on one of the Contract# fields in the Propertywise Claim History section.  Each line in this section represents a different contract year.


Field Name





Lbr Tot


Amount authorized for labor


Parts Tot


Amount authorized for parts


Other Tot


Amount authorized for other costs


Auth By


Employee who authorized the claim expenses


Auth Date


Date the claim was authorized


Auth Nbr


Authorization number provided to the Service Partner





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