Claim History

Claim History

Claim History

Claim History is a view-only screen that displays a historical record of any claims processed for the contract.





1.    Click the Menu Options icon on the TIMX SCM toolbar and select the Claim History button.


·       The Claims View screen displays.


·       The default view is to display claims for the current warranty period, but details for other years can be viewed by clicking on the Contract# field in the Propertywise Claim History section.  Each line in this section represents a different contract year.


Claim Transfer tab is only available to seniors and other member of management staff.  It is used to transfer claim history from one contract to another contract when there are duplicate accounts or verbal claims.  Contact a member of the management team via email or email to

Claim History Field Descriptions


  1. To exit the Claim History screen, click the Open Door icon on the TIMX SCM toolbar.




  1. Enter notes in the Comm Hist Log as appropriate and click the Save icon on the TIMX SCM toolbar to save the record.


Entering Notes



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