Cancellation due to Surcharge

Cancellation due to Surcharge

If cancellation occurs directly due to the surcharge, follow normal cancellation process and use the below reasons for cancellation:
  1. Main Reason: Pricing
  2. Cancellation Reason: Surcharge


Use the following rebuttals to attempt to save the customer relationship:


“<Customer Name>, I understand you would like to cancel but, please know that we strive to provide the best experience possible, and this surcharge allows us to continue doing so”

Assumptive Statement:

“Let’s continue with your warranty today to provide you the best coverage.”

“<Customer Name>, once the deductible is paid for the service request, it gives the benefit of the 180 days which is equivalent to six months. If the same related issue occurs and if you are in that benefit timeframe, we can set up an appointment and do our best to repair or replace the covered item.”

Assumptive Statement:

“Let’s keep your warranty in place today in case of a failure.”

“<Customer Name>, due to shortages and supply chain impact, many companies are now including surcharges or increasing prices to help deliver the same level of support and service.”

Assumptive Statement:

“Let us continue supporting you by keeping the warranty in place.”

“<Customer Name>, the  impact on manufacturing, labor shortages, and availability of parts and goods have attributed to the reason for the surcharge.”

Assumptive Statement:

“Let’s continue with your warranty coverage and protect your prized possessions.”

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