Callback Groups | BPOs & Captive

Callback Groups | BPOs & Captive

When a Callback Exception is created within ServiceBench, a task will be created and assigned to individual callback teams based on their User ID and the Exception Type created in ServiceBench.  After a task is created within Zoho, the task will display within the Activities Module, as well in your Kanban Task Board or Customer View. 

Callback Tasks

  1. Navigate to task queue: 
    1. On the toolbar, click Activities, then click Tasks. Navigate your Callback task list.
      1. Once Tasks are assigned to you, you may view under the Kanban Task Board tab or My Tasks under Activities.
  2. Locate a task to work in your queue.
  3. Open the task (two ways):
    1. Click the Task Title, the task opens on the right pane displaying in the right pane.
    2. Click Edit icon next to the title to open the full form in the left pane.
  4. Change the task status: In Progress.
  5. Perform all research of Job updates, notes, parts, etc. within ServiceBench.
  6. Once you have contacted the customer and completed your escalation:
    1. Complete your Zoho CB Task, Click Mark as Complete and add a resolution reason.

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