Call Log Activity: Customer Service

Call Log Activity: Customer Service

A Call Log Activity is entered in Zoho at the end of every customer interaction when there is a customer account in our system.

There are 2 locations to enter a Call Log Activity based on the reason for the call:
  1. Service Job Related Calls: Create the log inside the Case.
  2. Non Service Job Related Calls: Create the log on the Customer Contact Page.

Service Job Related Call

When the call is related to a Service Request, make sure you are inside the Case housing the Service Request.
  1. Click the Activity tab.

  2. Hover over the Add Icon, then select Call.

  3. Select a Call Category based on the reason for the call.
    1. The Call Sub Category will update based on the Call Category selection.
  4. Select a Call Sub Category based on the reason for the call.
  5. In the Subject field, enter the letter a.
    1. After submission, the Subject field auto-populates with a standard entry based on the Call Category , Call Sub Category , and Item as applicable.
  6. Click the Calendar Icon in the Start Time field.
    1. Select Current Month
    2. Select Previous Day
    3. Click Set
  7. In the Duration field, enter a 1.
  8. Click Submit.

Non Service Job Related Call

When the call is not related to a Service Request, such as for coverage questions, billing etc., go to the Customer Contact Page (not inside the case).
  1. Click the Activities tab.

  2. Hover over the Add Icon, then select Call.
  3. Select a Call Category based on the reason for the call.
    1. The Call Sub Category will update based on the Call Category selection.
  4. Select a Call Sub Category based on the reason for the call.
  5. In the Subject field, enter the letter a.
    1. After submission, the Subject field auto-populates with a standard entry based on the Call Category , Call Sub Category , and Item as applicable.
  6. Enter the Description: Copy and Paste CEC Note here.
  7. Click the Calendar Icon in the Start Time field.
    1. Select Current Month
    2. Select Previous Day
    3. Click Set
  8. In the Duration field, enter a 1.
  9. Click Submit.

Category & Sub Category Options

Select the most appropriate Category and Sub-Category related to the reason for the call.
If more than 1 apply, enter a Call Log for the highest priority reason.
Example: Customer called in the initiate a service request and follow up on a pending service report.
Enter a Call Log for CS-Service Job Management: Pending Service Report




CS-Service Job Management

Typically used for most calls after the customer has requested service.

APO Dispute

Customer is disputing their APO assignment and doesn’t want to use APO.

APO Information Needed

Customer is needing more information on the APO process.

Claim Credit

Customer is requesting a claim credit offer that was made or following up on claim credit status.

Claim Decision

Customer is requesting information on the decision made on their job.

Parts Delay Appliance

Customer is calling in to get updates on part delays for appliances.

Parts Delay HVAC

Customer is calling in to get updates on part delays for HVAC.

Pending Service Report

Customer is calling in stating the technician was already at their home and wanting an update.

Reassignment Request

Customer is specifically requesting another service provider be assigned to their job.

Reschedule Request

Customer is specifically wanting to reschedule service with their current provider.

Scheduling Assistance

Customer is wanting assistance with scheduling their service.

SJ Cancel Request

Customer is requesting to cancel an already open service job.

SMS – Follow up after service performed


SMS – Follow up before service performed


SP Delay

Customer is calling specifically to speak about delays caused by the service provider.

CS-General Inquiry

Used when the customer is calling in for something not related to a service request.

Coverage Questions

Customer has questions on their contract coverage.

Do Not Call Request

Customer is requesting to be placed on the do not call list.

Left Voicemail

Outbound call to customer resulting in a voicemail.

No Caller Dead Air

Call came in but no one was on the line.

Referrals for Service Providers

Customer is wanting referrals to in-network service providers.

Service Providers Contact Information Requested

Customer is calling specifically to get contact information for their assigned provider.

Updating Contact Info

Customer is calling specifically to update their contact information (phone, email, mailing address).

CS-Customer Complaint

Used to track and understand when a customer calls in to complain or share concern with service.

Deductible Reimbursement

Customer is wanting a deductible reimbursed or status on a deductible approved for reimbursement.


Customer is wanting to complain regarding a delay in service (typically not relating to the service provider).

Dispute – Claim Credit

Customer is disputing the amount of their claim credit or the option of a claim credit.

Dispute - Denial

Customer is disputing the denial of their service job.

Dispute – Second Opinion

Customer is disputing Cinch’s assignment of a second opinion.

Job Authorization

Customer is disputing the options or decision of their service job.

Job Initiation

Customer is complaining about their experience during service initiation.


Customer is complaining about membership services or their enrollment.

Service Provider

Customer is complaining about their assigned or previously assigned service provider.

CS-Service Initiation

Used when creating any service request.

Preventative Maintenance

Service Request for a preventative maintenance service.


Recall request for a completed and approved job that took place in the past 180 days.


Reimbursement request for a non-warranty contract.


Warranty service request.


 Used when the sole purpose of the customer call is in relation to actions needed from a different department, typically membership services.

Add Additional / Optional Coverage

Customer wants to add additional items or optional coverage to their contract.

Billing Inquiry

Customer has billing questions (bill date, etc.).

Call routed incorrectly Sending to appropriate department

Call was incorrectly routed to customer service – transferred to the correct department.

Change Payment Information

Customer needs to update the payment information for warranty premiums.

Clarification of Charges

Customer has questions about charges made by Cinch.

Contract Reinstatement

Customer needs to reinstate a cancelled/expired contract.

Contract Renewal

Customer has questions about or wants to setup a warranty renewal.

Customer requested Supervisor

Customer requested a supervisor immediately.


Customer has questions about payments made to Cinch.

Reached CS in Error

Call reached CS in error (was intended to be transferred to another team).

Sent Service Provider to Autho

Service Provider reached customer service and was transferred to authorizations.

Sent to Membership Services to Upgrade Account

Customer wanted to upgrade their plan type.

Sent to Retention to Save

Customer wants to cancel, transferred to membership to save the customer.

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