Buyer Direct Warranty (BDW) Assuming Options Script

Buyer Direct Warranty (BDW) Assuming Options Script

Buyer Direct Warranty (BDW)

Assuming Options Script


This script is when the realtor is requesting to add options/additions for the buyer coverage.  Adding options/additions are available up to 30 days after the warranty effective date.



Thank you for calling Membership Services.  This is _______________.  Who do I have the pleasure of speaking with?


How may I help you today?



My client just purchased a warranty and I want to arrange for additional/optional coverage for them.



I would be happy to assist you with adding coverage and options to your client’s existing HMS warranty.


If conferenced or transferred from a client, Service Partner or any other department, also state:


"This call may be recorded for quality assurance and training purposes."


We are able to add coverage and options to your client’s HMS home warranty within 30 days of its effective date.  I would like to verify that we are within that period and that additional coverage and options can be added   In order to do so, I will need to get some information from you.  This won’t take very long.



Would you please verify the property address? <complete a search and verify the name of the homeowner>


May I please have your client’s full name and best contact telephone number?


Is there an alternate telephone number?



<30 Days Since Effective Date

>30 Days Since Effective Date

I see that the effective date of the warranty is less than 30 days ago and we can add additional and optional coverage.


What additional coverage and/or options would you like to add to your client’s HMS home warranty?

Selling the PUP


<refer to state matrix and add additrional/optional items.> 


Do you have a pen and paper available in order to write down some information?  <allow time to get pen and paper if needed>


We have added <name additions and options added, including cost for each> to your client’s HMS home warranty. 

Send new Confirmation Invoice

I see that more than 30 days has passed since the effective date of the warranty.


In this case, we are not able to place additional or optional coverage on your client’s HMS home warranty.  Please advise your buyer that the options/additions can be included in their coverage upon renewal.



Additions/Options Added

Additions/Options Not Added

Do you have any other questions that I can help you with today?


<address and proceed>



Thank you so much for your business and for assisting your customer with placing additional/optional coverage on their Cinch home warranty.


Please contact us at any time if you have any questions or need assistance with client matters.  We are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to provide service whenever you need it.


Have a great day/evening/night.


Do you have any other questions that I can help you with today?


<address and proceed>



Thank you for contacting us today regarding your client’s Cinch home warranty.  While we were unable to add coverage for you today, we do appreciate your business and look forward to assisting you with other client matters in the future.


Please contact us again when the home is sold so that we can make arrangements to transfer the Cinch home warranty to the buyer.  We are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to provide service whenever you need it.


Have a great day/evening/night.



Buyer Direct (BDW) Realtor Script